Chapter two

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Hey guys! I'm gonna drop a little disclaimer here:
The Faith in this chapter is based off of one of my best friends, who was been helping me write this story. (Thanks for the help, by the way, boo! It means a lot.) I just wanted to say that she isn't a complete bitch as I may have made her seem. She just hates Alex bc of the Reynolds Pamphlet and I decided this would be a good way for her to get her anger towards him out. Besides that, you guys are so active, like what the actual heck? If you guys have any suggestions of what I should do with the boys, Faith, and the reader next, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! Love you guys!

           Standing up, I sighed. "How many more of you are there?" I hurried down the stairs, John and George following behind me. Once I reached the laundry room, I swung open the door, already knowing what to expect. A man with straight, shoulder-length, brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He whipped around to face me.
           "Who are you and where am I?!" He snapped.
           "My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and you're in 2017." I replied gently, not wanting to anger him any further.
           "2017..." He repeated, astonished. He spun around, taking in his surroundings, touching everything as he did so. He turned around to face me, most likely to ask questions, but then his eyes wandered behind me. "Laurens?" He asked, tears forming in his eyes.
           "Hey there, Alex." John greeted, walking in front of me. The two men wrapped each other in a hug, which lingered for a moment. Once they let go, Alex looked up at George, who nodded at him in fatherly way, which Alex returned.
              He turned back around to face me. "I'm sorry for shouting at you Miss (Y/N), I believe that I should properly introduce myself. My name is Alexander Hamilton." He stuck his hand out for me to shake, which I took happily.
           "It's nice to meet you too, Alex. You wouldn't happen to know why you're here, would you?" I asked, as I pulled my hand away. 
           "No, I 'm afraid that I don't. I just died, then I woke up in your..." He trailed off.
           "My laundry room." I filled in, an amused grin making it's way onto my face.
           "You have and entire room just for laundry? Oh, I have so many questions." He began. He ran around the house, picking everything up and asked for a detailed explanation of what it did. Eventually, he just walked up to my dining room table and gestured towards it.
           "What is this?"
           I stifled a laugh. "Alexander, that's a table."
           "Oh, yeah." He simply replied before moving onto his next victim, the lamp.

Throughout the night, we had two more people arrive. The first one was Hercules Mulligan. He was tall, not as tall as Washington though, and he had short, curly brown hair and brown eyes. He took everything pretty well, except for 2017's fashion choices. He was shocked about that, but after some explaining he was fine. I will admit, I was a bit intimidated when I first met him. He looked like he wouldn't hesitate to fight someone, but after some conversation, I learned that he was just a very loud teddy bear.

The second was Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. He had poofy brown hair, which he tamed up into a bun soon after coming here, and big brown eyes. He may or may not have screamed when he first got here, but once he saw his friends and they told him what was going on everything was fine. I soon learned that he was very flirty. He took any given opportunity to compliment me in his thick French accent, or to give me any subtle affection possible. Although, once you look past that part of his personality, he is quite the gentleman.
Soon enough, we all fell into conversation, the boys telling me about their war stories, meanwhile I told them about the future. They seemed so easy to talk to, which is surprising, considering that they are over 250 years old and just teleported from the 1700's. Welp, that's how it is, I guess.
After 45 minutes of talking with the guys, a familiar crash resonated throughout the house. Although, no one knew where it came from. We decided to split up and investigate. I walked around the lower floor, while I heard two muffled voices emerge from my closet.
              "Get off of me, Jemmy!" The first man whisper-shouted.
              "Thomas, I can't. I'm stuck." "Jemmy" responded. I lightly chuckled, and swung the door open. The two men fell out of the closet, landing on top of each other. (A/N: Spot the joke there, heh.) The man dubbed Thomas jumped up once he saw me. He approached me, while "Jemmy" stood up, brushing himself off.
              "Holy shit, there are clones." I mumbled, seeing as they looked just like Hercules and Lafayette.
              "Hello, Miss. My name is Thomas Jefferson. Would you happen to know where we are?" He introduced himself, kissing my knuckles.
               "My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and you're in New York. The year is 2017." I repeated for the 100th time that night. "BOYS, I FOUND THEM!" I shouted through the apartment.

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