The Sweet Hereafter

Start from the beginning

"It was worse in New York. It's really not as bad as it sounds. I mean, I've slipped up a few times here, but I promise, Jug, I'm done with that."

"You need to get help," Jughead tells her. "Real help. You said I was a distraction and you were right."

"You're not a distraction, Jughead. I like being with you." She only said that to get him to give her space. Things have changed since then.

"I don't think that's—" he pauses. His eyes are pervaded with guilt.

"Oh." She comes to conclusion in her head based on everything he's saying and how he's looking at her. When he reaches for her hand, he takes her hands off of the table altogether. "Say it," she hisses angrily.

"Mickey, we shouldn't have...—"

"Had sex? We shouldn't have had sex?" She wants, and needs, clarification. "Then why did you do it?"

He tries to explain, "There was so much going on at the time, but I can't do this to Betty."

"You already did it."

"I was upset with her for trying to prove my Dad's innocent. You have to understand."

Mickey scoffs. "Oh, I understand. I understand that something I did out-out of love, you did based on anger." Her vision blurs due to the tears.

"You've done a lot based on your anger and your hurt. Like hooking up with Archie and Reggie Mantle." Jughead looks down at his lap, instantly regretting using that against her.

"Nothing happened between Archie and I and you'd know that if you trusted me!" She stands up from her seat.

He grabs her hand, "Wait!"

"Don't ever speak to me again. I hate you!" As convincing as it might have sounded, it was a total lie.

Kevin is looking through his locker mirror when he sees Mickey through it. He jumps, spinning around to look at her. "Mickey, warn me next time."

"You had no right telling Jughead what Joaquin told you." She stands there with her hands on her hips.

He closes his locker and tells her, "I just want to help."

Mickey's eyes burn. "That did everything but help. It's like you...forced me out the closet!"

He tilts his head and looks at her with slight amusement. "I don't think you can use that metaphor."

"I will tell people when I want to tell them, do you understand?"

"I am so sorry. I just want you to know I'm here for you if you ever want to talk." He sighs, "It's like a real life Gossip Girl storyline."

Not laughing at the joke, she leaves him standing there.

"I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up there with us, Jug."

Betty turned down the Mayor's request for her to speak at the Jubilee. According to the Mayor, Betty's the "best and brightest."

Jughead places his hand on top of Betty's. "I appreciate the righteous indignation, Betty, I do, but Jubilees aren't my thing."

Archie asks, "Jug, how's your Dad? Did you get in to see him?"

"Here's the latest," Jughead leans on the cafeteria table and whispers. "Mayor McCoy wants my Dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence."

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