VIII: Prince and Captain

Start from the beginning

'Very slim.  But I can't hear what they're saying...' Gelya squints over my shoulder at the elves. 

'Me neither.  Should we get closer?' I cast her a quick glance with a raised eyebrow.

She returns it, adding in a whisper, 'Yes, but we should stay under cover of the trees.'

With Gelya taking the majority of my weight, we hobble between the trunks until a small, sheltered spot under a bush comes into view.  We crawl inside it, attempt to settle down without making too much noise—'ouch, my leg!'—and tune in to the conversation occurring now just ten feet away from us.

Tauriel has her head resting on Legolas's shoulder.  'It's been four months to the day since he died... I still feel broken...' she says feebly.

'Then let me fix you.'

'You are my oldest and closest friend, Legolas. I am glad you're here with me.'

'For now, I am, mellon nín.'  Legolas pats Tauriel's hand gently with his.

Tauriel pauses for a moment, letting his words sink in.  'For now?  Are you leaving again?  You only just got back!' The pain in her voice is obvious as she turns to face Legolas in despair.

'I'll stay for a while, but I plan to depart again at the end of next year, perhaps to live in Imladris for a time.'

'To see that young Estel again? Is that why?' Tauriel says in exasperation.

'One of many reasons. I was thinking of teaching him archery, but there is an ellon already teaching him how to use a sword. Ílren, he was called, and he looked more like a Dúnadán Ranger than an elf, I must admit.'  Legolas adds a small scoff.

'I love how you still tell me the simple things. Everything you're saying makes me wish to leave this place even more. Could I go with you?'

'My father won't want to admit it, but he does need you here to lead his guard. Stay, Tauriel. This kingdom needs you.'

'But it also needs you, and it starts to collapse whenever you go off on one of your little adventures.  You've been disappearing and coming back for years, but this last one has been the worst.  We're running far too low on guards after losing so many in the battle.  I'm sure Estel will be fine without you for a while.'

'You sound just like my father,' Legolas says, with the slightest hint of a grumble in his voice, 'that was what he talked to me about just now.  He wants me to stay and help you train some more young elves to become guards.  This is why I'm not going again for at least a year.'

'Perhaps if you stay for longer, you might not wish to ever leave again.'

'Tauriel, you must understand.  I cannot stay trapped inside this place.  Even the entire forest of Mirkwood is not big enough for me.  I need new lands, new terrains, new adventures.'

'That is what I want also!  Yet I am not allowed to wander off whenever and wherever I please!' Tauriel sounds on the verge of tears.

'I did not persuade my father into having you here only to see you leave again.  Where do you wish to go?'

'Somewhere new.  Somewhere free,' she whispers so quietly it is barely audible from our position under the bush.

'I'm afraid I cannot change my father's rules, though I have bent them in the past.  Every guard, including the Captain, is bound to remain within the forest as long as they serve him.  There is nothing more I can do.'  Legolas's tone is grave.

Tauriel sniffs.  'Then perhaps it is time I resigned as Captain of the Woodland Guard.  Not immediately, but in a year or so when you set out again.'

'No, Tauriel,' Legolas says firmly, 'I could not see anyone other than you being Captain.  Every other guard does not even come close to you.  My father knows this, and he wishes to have the best Captain possible, so he would not let you resign now.  He gave you your chance to be free of duties when you were banished, but now you are committed to the Woodland Guard.'

'You talked about this with him too, didn't you?' Tauriel exclaims, 'neither of you will let me leave this place!  Why?'

'I have told you why.'

'That is not all, is it?  There is some other reason!'

The Prince lets out a long sigh.  'I care about you, Tauriel.  I want you to stay here, in this realm, where it's safe.  Out in the vast world, you had your heart broken, and I will do everything within my power to keep it from happening again.'

The next few words seem to blur out of my mind.  The way Legolas spoke to Tauriel about her broken heart... it's not unlike what I said to Thranduil.  Legolas and I both have someone who has experienced true heartbreak that we would do anything to protect.  Part of me now wishes Thranduil was here.  I can't place exact reasons why, but I feel that his presence would somehow make things magically better.

'Gelya, I... I want to go.'

'Why?  This is fascinating!' she giggles.

'Gelya, please,' I beg, starting to wriggle out from under the bush.  It suddenly seems a great deal more cramped and uncomfortable than it was before.

'Alright,' Gelya says with a hint of reluctance, helping me stagger to my feet.  'Three, two, one!'


Mellon nín = my friend

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