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The away team was back from the mission. It was long and tiring, all you wanted to do was return to your quarters and relax.

You stumbled through the hallways, saying hi to those who welcomed you back on board the ship. After what seemed like hours, you were back at your room. The doors opened to reveal a package on your bed.

Curious, you opened it. Inside was a beautiful black dress and a note.

'Meet me in three hours at the observatory' You knew the handwriting well enough to realize that it was from your boyfriend of four years, Captain James T. Kirk. 

Three hours was enough to take a short nap, shower, and change. And so you did. You even had time to put on a little makeup and do your hair. Then, you walked to the observatory.

The room was dim. There was a table set with a vase of roses, candles, and food was already dished onto the plates. 

"May I escort you to your seat, my lady?" Jim asked you. It was just the both of you in the room.

"Why, yes, of course," you responded, playing along. You took Jim's arm and he politely walked you to the table and pulled out your chair for you.

The meal was fantastic. You talked about the mission and other things.

"Seriously, Jim, this is great... but what is it?" You gestured to the table- which even had a tablecloth.

The captain cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with his napkin. "It's something special for you. You're so important to me and you deserve everything good in life... I wanted to do something nice for you and also get the time to ask you something... Something that I've wanted to ask you for a long time."

"Yes?" You tried to hide your smile.

"With our line of work, we meet many amazing people. Smart people, talented people, and people who are willing to lay down their lives for Star Fleet any day- because we don't know what day will be our last. But, I do know that I want to spend the rest of my days with the smartest, most talented, most selfless person I know; You." Jim took out a small box from the pocket of his tux. He held it out in front of you and then opened it for you to see: a ring, glittering under the candlelight. "Will you marry me?"

"Jim... I don't know what to say!" you exclaimed, taking the box tenderly.

"You could say yes."

"Yes!" The captain's face lit up. The both of you stood up from the table and embraced. Jim slipped the ring onto your finger. You then proceeded to cup his cheeks and kiss him passionately.


It was your three year anniversary. Spock had been leaving you cute things around the ship: You woke up to flowers at your bedside, then you had chocolates at your station, the captain had bumped into you in the hallways and you found that he had somehow given you a bracelet at that time, and there were notes handed to you throughout the day.

Then you had a call to go to one of the ship's labs. When you arrived, it was empty. You thought that you had gone to the wrong one. But... on the center table there was a gift with your name on the tag.

You smiled and walked forwards. You reached into the bag and pulled out a jewelry box. Opening it up there was a beautiful ring inside with a note that said, "Marry me?"

You turned around and there was Spock, on one knee.

"Yes!" you cried, nearly tackling him as you embraced.

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