Separated- Riker

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Okay, so, someone wanted to make a "Star Trek Regeneration" with Tom Hiddleston as Data and Jensen Ackles as Riker... I'm so in love with this idea.

Anyways, here's an imagine with the original Commander Riker

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Anyways, here's an imagine with the original Commander Riker. I've had this ready since Christmas Eve but I decided against publishing it until Christmas was over because sadness.

"Captain's Log, Stardate 431257.9. We are cautiously responding to a distress call we received three days ago from the Federation Starship Survivor. The garbled transmission showed no sign of clear distress. Our mission is to investigate and provide any support that deems necessary."

"Captain, we are nearing the Survivor."

"On screen. Magnify," the captain demanded.

"Open a hailing frequency, Y/n," Commander Riker added.

You spoke clearly, "USS Enterprise to USS Survivor. Respond, please." Your hail was returned with silence. You glanced back to Riker, your husband. You two shared a look before you averted your gaze back to the screen. "USS Enterprise to USS Survivor. Respond, please, on this frequency."

There was another long wait. "No response, Captain."

"Make a full scan," Picard said.

You pressed a few buttons, watching as the scan report appeared on your screen.

"All systems appear functional, sir, but there are no life forms on board."

The captain frowned and Riker stepped behind you to view your screen.

"Y/n, could we be getting a false reading?"

You shook your head and pressed a few more buttons- looking to Data to back you up.

"Negative, sir," said Data. "My readings appear the same. There are no life forms on board the USS Survivor."

Picard looked noticeably upset, yet covered his emotion quickly. However, he still remained lost in thought. The captain walked back to his chair and sat down heavily. You knew that look from years serving on the Enterprise: He was looking for answers. Though your mission of rescue would be unsuccessful, there was no way the captain would deny his curiosity to see what went wrong.

"Captain," your husband spoke up, "request permission to take an away team to the USS Survivor. Perhaps we can find something that can help us figure out what went wrong."

"Granted. Minimal complement."

Riker headed quickly to the lift. "Worf, Y/n, you're with me."

Wesley came over to replace you at your station. You headed up the ramp and into the turbo lift to stand side-by-side with your husband and the Klingon, Worf.

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