RhythmWithLove Presents: Road Trips with Scientists & Royalty

Start from the beginning

The girl next to him has the most stunning blue eyes, I don't think I'll ever forget them. It is the first thing you notice about her because of its contrast to her sun tanned skin. "This is Azure Waters," Liam tells me and I can help but sputter nervously.

"Your name is wonderful, so are your eyes!"

"You are lovely. Thank you." She smiles wide, her calm expression exchanged for the sun and Harry looks at her like she put all the stars in the sky. Were they together? They seem to be tethered together by an invisible string of comfort.

Next, I'm introduced to the only blonde in the group. Niall Keating, a guy with an amused expression and a build that suggests he plays something varsity. He watches silently.

"That there is my cousin, Florence-Jade Cases." Liam introduces the girl leaning against the wooden panelling, her hand in Niall's behind his back like they were trying to hide their affection for each other from everyone else.

Florence-Jade pushes her big round glasses an inch up her nose and grins at me. She was stunning, in the way that adventurous girls were, you just know that they have the entire world inside them. "What star sign are you?" She asks and I'm surprised by her Australian accent more than I am by the question. I had assumed they were all British.

"I'm a Gemini." I prepare for the eye rolls, but instead, I get excitement from her.

"No way! Me too!" Florence-Jade shakes her head like she couldn't believe it, her short, straight brown hair shaking around her face like a curtain.

"Raya." Zayn Hunt nods at me next, raising his heavily tattooed arm to give me a happy little wave. Everyone knew Zayn. He had been one of the first friends of Louis' I had met when we had started dating. He was pretty notorious for his designs as well as his life choices. Louis was quite fond of him and I could understand why. Zayn was intimidating at first glance, but everyone knew he was a softie.

I take them all in and see no hidden secrets in their eyes. There was only a sense of freedom. Maybe Louis had been over exaggerating? Maybe they are just a group of young adults who wanted a summer trip with their family and friends. What could possibly be so secretive about these people?

Harry clears his throat and I push my thoughts aside. "Um, would you like to take a tour?" he's soft spoken and I can tell his observational skills are quite trained because he senses my curiosity.

Everyone scatters and the tour begins from the 'living area.' Harry extends his arms on either side of him, pointing at things as he goes. The two couches on either side, the silver pole smack dab in the middle of the bus that he says they like to use to hang on to dear life when Zayn is driving. Florence-Jade and Azure clear the table of plates and food and Niall folds the table handily under the couch.

"Nice." I give a low whistle.

"I made that." Zayn lets me know proud and loud from the very front of the bus.

"This is the kitchen," Harry says, nudging Azure's upper arm affectionately as we pass. It's a small space with counters, cupboards and a sink. Enough to fit in all the essentials like a mini fridge, microwave and coffee machine. The coffee machine was on and judging by the number of stained mugs in the sink waiting to be washed, I could tell this was a group of humans who ran on coffee.

A little corridor leads into the sleeping area where bunk beds are lined up on either side. There are luggage bags shoved into the empty spaces between and curtains pushed aside to show the messy, unmade beds with personal belongings scattered amid pillows and blankets. "Sorry about the mess. We've been staying at the hotel so the bus is a bit...neglected for today." Harry cracks his knuckles, looking around with a grimace.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now