(7) math

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The next few days were tense - neither of them were willing to speak to the other, and frankly, neither of them cared enough to fret about it. School went on, as per usual, and Jonathan could feel his brain slowly rotting. When did his life become so boring?

No, he thought. His life has always been like this, a daily cycle. It's just been different because he came into the picture. 

Jonathan frowned, stabbing his chicken and stuffing it into his mouth. He was eating outside, like he normally did, and it was lightly snowing. Jonathan watched, glaring, as Sherwin talked to Ethan under a tree. Sherwin ruffled his hair, which was now two-toned with blue.

Ethan was laughing - and so was he. 

Jonathan scowled. They seem to be conversing well. 

"Are you friends with Sherwin or something?" Jonathan asked, trying to sound nonchalant. It was during after school practice, and Jonathan felt like he was going to freeze. Ethan, however, seemed fine. Just fine. 

Ethan shrugged. "He's in my math and sociology class, we get along pretty well," he admitted. Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "He's in your sociology class?"

Ethan nodded, stretching. Jonathan followed suit. "Yep, he's a really cool guy," he paused. "You know him or something?" 

Jonathan shook his head. 

"No," he lied easily. "No, I don't know him."

"I don't know him at all."

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