Chapter Fourteen: Digits

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Chapter Thirteen: Digits

"Aaliyah," he muttered as he saw her and Dom standing by their lockers laughing.

Pharaoh finally found who he was looking for. And damn did she look good. He sped up past Ashley and Ant, and snuck up behind Aaliyah. Pharaoh went up behind Aaliyah and whispered in her ear,

"So, I see you trying to dress like me now."

Aaliyah jumped because she was caught off guard. But she knew who that deep raspy voice belonged to. When she turned around she was shocked to see that she and Pharaoh were basically wearing the same outfit. The only difference was that he had on timbs.

Aaliyah had a huge smile across her face and Pharaoh pulled her in for a tight hug before she could say anything to him.

While in his embrace Aaliyah said, "Nah, I think you the one trying to dress like me."

The two of them laughed and Pharaoh finally let go. Pharaoh could've held her for hours but he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if he kept holding on.

"Well good morning to you too, Pharaoh," said Dom with her hand on her hip staring at him and Aaliyah.

"My bad, Dom. How you doing this morning?"

Pharaoh was about to give her a hug but was stopped by an arm.

"Chill fam. You just keep ya hugs for shorty over there. I got this right here," said Anthony as he moved Pharaoh out of the way and hugged Dom.

Aaliyah and Pharaohs mouths dropped as they watched Anthony pull Dom into a big bear hug and almost lift her off the ground.

"Boy stop! I don't know you that well yet for you to be pushing all up on me like this," Dom said while trying to get out of his arms.

"My bad, Dominique. I just couldn't help myself," Ant said while winking and letting her go.

"Pharaoh get your friend before I have to hurt him."

"You know you liked my hug so stop playing."

"I really didn't," Dom said while rolling her eyes.

The warning bell rang letting them know to head to class. Everyone had their first class together except Anthony. He told them he would catch them later and they went their separate ways. While walking to class they all talked about how their weekends went. Pharaoh brought up how his weekend was real good.

"Was it because yall won the game or something?," asked Dom

"That made it good too. But on sunday I finally did something that I had been wanting to do for a little minute," Pharaoh said while glancing over at Aaliyah who was looking at him.

"Hmmm. Well that's good that you had a nice weekend. Me and Aaliyah were a little lit or whateva because I spent the night at her house. But it must wasn't as good as yours, with the way you cheesin and all right now. You must be thinking about it."

"Yeah it's the only thing I keep thinking about," he said while not taking his eyes off Aaliyah.

Dom was watching the whole time how he kept looking over at Aaliyah. She knew exactly what he was referring to. But she and Pharaoh were shocked when Aaliyah said, "So it was that good huh? I mean you really you did?

Dom tried to keep a straight face while she and Aaliyah looked at Pharaoh waiting for his answer.

"Yeah I really enjoyed it. But I'm trying to have another try because I was in a rush on sunday, so next time I want to be able to take my time. Well that's if I get a chance for a next time," he said while licking his lips.

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