The aftermath: purple dust chapter 3

Start from the beginning

'Oh that I'm in the photo contest and I'm taking pictures of fireflies what about you'

'I just like sitting here when I'm bored looking into the water and at the fireflies' I said leaning of the railing

'Hey you want some tea?' She said waving the flask in front of me

'Sure what type?'

'Peppermint' she said happily in the tone yang often uses

'Peppermint!' I said practically melting at the word


'Yes yes yes peppermint's my favourite!'

'Fine just don't go anime on me, you sounded like Mui from magical warfare!' She said holding onto the flask for dear life

'ha ha pudding pudding' and with that we burst out laughing

'We should get back before they start worrying' said Blake

We then walked back and began to prepare for our day in vale


i was sitting the table with Nora and for once she looked depressed so I being her boyfriend was trying to cheer her up but it did nothing.

'I miss Jaune' she said eating a pancake with a blank expression

'We all do but the nurse said he'll be unconscious for two or three months so we can't really do anything at the moment'

A small tear rolled down her face, I slammed my hands on the table and stood up

'Nora wait there I'm gonna cheer you up' she looked up and put on a fake smile and I ran off but then came back to kiss her on the cheek and then was off for a second time. I ran upstairs toward ozpin's office I then stood up strait and knocked on the door.

He answered and said

'Yes Ren may I help you'

'You know how Jaune fell unconscious because of some dust' I said in the least desperate way I could

'Yes I know of that and it will be two to three months before he wakes up'

'I know that professor but it's just getting Nora down and I want to cheer her up so could I borrow the relic Nora got please?'

'Of course you can I don't want any of my students feeling down so you can have it, you know what keep it it's no use to me' he said handing over the queen chess pice

'Thanks sir'

'No problem now cheer up Nora'

And with that I was off ... Again I ran to vale and grabbed the chocolates that Nora loved more than being in a room filled with puppies and unicorns, then the final thing that necklace she wanted for our graduation we graduated before I could get it for her

It was a necklace with a blue and green pendent in the centre and it opened up to have a personal message inside, I'd be Broke for a while but she was worth it I said for the pendant to be engraved with "when times get rough you'll get through because your the one who survived it all" I ran back to the our dorm only being out for fifth teen minutes Nora was watching anime but before she could turn around I told her it was a surprise I warped it up in heart covered paper and gave it to her she then dove into me for a hug.

'I love it, I love you' she said hugging me ferociously

'Mission accomplished' I said putting on some sunglasses and striking a pose

'Your so daft' she said joining in

'Where both daft' I said giving her a hug

'Hey put the necklace on me' she said pulling out the box

'Wait let me read it first!' She opened it up and smiled

'Aww that's so romantic' she said as I put it on her

I then heard a beep from my scroll I checked it,it was ozpin. It read did it work?

Yeah it worked great you where a real help I typed back

No problem just happy that she is. I then switched it off and turned back to Nora.

3rd person

Pyrrha was sat on the chair next to Juane that's all she ever stemmed to do any more just wait there for darkness to take the time away the nurse came in the room and said

'This is the longest you can see him for I'm sorry but you'll have to leave it's eleven thirty'

'it's ok I understand well See ya tomorrow honey' she than walked away from the bed with a slumped back and a sad expression on her face.

She entered the dorm drank some tea and then fell asleep with a small tear rolling down her check


And there you go the chapter 3 I don't really know what to say here so see ya KYUN

RLF normally I go in these stories with nothing but a line I'm my head and it just grows and grows

Stay awesome and remember when times get rough you'll get through because your the one who survived it all - RINtheboss 2014

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