The Kidnapping

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When word got around that someone had fallen in love on the Isle, there were mocking laughs, noises of disgust and wide eyes filled with disbelief. When word got around that the people who had fallen in love were the notorious pirate Harry Hook and the bone-chilling Xiao Jun, the laughs and noises were silenced, but the wide eyes grew even wider.

Nobody had ever dated before on the Isle, and the villain kids were usually the results of a quick fling between a villain and a normal citizen. Others were made from potions and spells if the villains needed somebody to do the chores. The word 'love' hadn't been used positively for years.

Until Harry Hook and XJ had gotten together as a couple.

When Harry and XJ arrived back at Uma's ship, their fingers interlocked, both smiling wider than they had ever had their entire lives, Uma had already finished her briefing and her crew was scattered around the deck, in position.

"Harry!" Uma shouted when she caught sight of him, "Where have you been?"

Harry and XJ walked over to the steering wheel where Uma stood. Harry grinned, "XJ and I worked a few things out."

Uma frowned, confused, before her gaze wandered to Harry and XJ's hands. Uma's eyes lit up with realization. "Oh, you two are together." She turned to XJ, "So will you be joining the crew as well? God knows we need extra hands on deck."

XJ shook her head. "I prefer land, Uma. I'm not a water soldier."

Uma shrugged, "Well you're going to have to get used to water if you're going to be dating Harry. Just don't keep him distracted when I need stuff done."

XJ nodded, "I can respect that."

"Glad to hear, and speaking of doing stuff for me, it's time for you to go capture the King." Uma said, looking at Harry.

Harry nodded and gestured to XJ, "She's coming with me."

"She can do whatever she wants." Uma said before turning back to one of her crew members who had walked up to her, hoping to ask her something.

Harry grinned at XJ, "Let's go nick Ben, lass."

XJ detached her hand from Harry's and grinned back. "Race you." XJ dashed off the ship, Harry laughing as he ran after her.


After a couple of minutes of weaving through the streets of the Isle that both of the villain kids knew like the back of their hands, XJ and Harry found themselves in the alley that led to Mal's own apartment.

They slowed down and they saw three familiar figures at the end of the alley. Evie, Carlos and Jay seemed to be waiting for Ben while he went to console Mal. XJ and Harry got within earshot so they could hear what the three were saying, not that there was much to eavesdrop on - the three were all quiet, evidently nervous.

Harry whispered as he and XJ his behind some crates, "Do I get a kiss for good luck?"

XJ bit back a smile. "No kissing when we're on a mission."

"Kidnapping the King is hardly a mission, lass."

"It depends on our freedom, Harry. Now please focus."

"I'm not doing anything until you give me a - "

"Shh!" XJ cut Harry off. "Ben's coming out!"

Harry immediately stopped talking and his mischievous expression turned professional. "Tell me when."

XJ nodded as she peeked out from the side of the crate.

"One." Harry's heart pounded in his chest as XJ handed him a scarf to muffle Ben with.

"Two." XJ watched as Ben walked over to their hiding spot and Evie, Carlos and Jay were all too preoccupied with discussing among themselves on Mal's emotional whereabouts.

"Three! Harry, go!" XJ whisper-shouted as Harry sprung into action.

He crept up behind Ben, who looked miserable after Mal's rejection and paid no notice to his friends, or what was behind him. Within the blink of an eye, Harry had Ben in a headlock and stuffed his mouth with the scarf so his yells were muffled.

Harry smirked at Ben, whose eyes were wide. "Hello, your Highness."

XJ crept out from behind the crate as she forced down a laugh at Harry's words and Ben's wide-eyed look. She pushed Harry, reminding him to move.

Harry shook his head and puckered his lips at XJ.

"Jesus," XJ muttered under her breath before quickly pecking Harry on the lips.

Harry smirked and started walking quickly with XJ behind him, keeping watch to make sure that the three villain kids who cared for the king wouldn't turn their heads and see what had become of him.

The whole ordeal wasn't exactly silent, but the noises of the aisle drowned out Ben's muffled yelps. Ben kicked and struggled as Harry pushed Ben down the aisle until he rounded the corner where more of Uma's crew was waiting to drag Ben away to the ship.

Harry handed over Ben to the crew, winking at the king before turning around to inform Evie, Carlos and Jay that their valuable companion had been taken.

XJ sighed before saying to Ben, who was looking at her like she had kicked a puppy, "It's necessary to give Mal some motivation." She stated before nodding at the crew to take him away. Ben tried to say something, but his voice was muffled, and he was carried away.

XJ turned and ran after Harry, who was already talking to Evie, Carlos and Jay. As XJ drew closer, she noticed that they didn't have the most enthusiastic expressions on their faces.

When Evie caught sight of her, her glare grew even stronger. "You're a part of this too, aren't you, XJ?"

XJ smirked as Harry wrapped his arm around her waist, "Uma and I came to a mutual agreement, yes."

The three VKs looked at XJ expectantly and when nothing happened, Evie's eyes widened, Carlos' jaw dropped and Jay gaped.

"Why are you looking at my lady like that?" Harry asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow. "It's rude to stare."

"How long has this been going on?" Evie asked, shocked.

"Since this morning." XJ shrugged, "I figured that I would need someone to rule beside me when I take over Auradon."

Jay laughed harshly, "You both know that it's not going to last, right? Especially not on the Isle."

"You know what else isn't going to last?" XJ asked, still smirking. "Dear Ben, and if you want him back, you'd better come to Uma's ship as soon at noon tomorrow, or bad things are going to happen." XJ taunted.

Harry kissed the top of XJ's forehead and noticed Jay's irritated look. "Aw Jay," He pouted mockingly, "Seems you've lost your touch."

Jay lunged for Harry, but Evie held him back and XJ snarled at him, putting an arm in front of Harry defensively.

Harry cackled and used his other arm to rub XJ's shoulder. XJ didn't relax, but she let her arm drop back to her side, glaring at Jay, who glared back.

Harry barked like a dog at Carlos, who flinched, and grinned. He turned around and strolled away with XJ at his side, whistling like he didn't have a care in the world.

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