Tre Brooks

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Before I get into the imagine I want ped to shout out Trustno1221 for voting and adding my story. And _HoodReverse_HoodReverse for adding my book. And Loveanaya123 for following me. YOU GUYS GO AND FOLLOW THEM!!!!!
Tre POV:(Imagine Tre taller)
Hey fam. You know it's me Tre Brooks. Well I am 16 years old and I have a girlfriend named Taylor. Yeah she is pretty amazing... Though we have our ups and downs I STILL Love her💛

Taylor POV:
HEY PEOPLE💕 It's the queen Taylor jk😂 but anyway I am 16 and have a boyfriend named Tre yes Tre Brooks how did I get so lucky? I love him even though he has some anger issues. But anyway it's Wednesday afternoon and me and Tre had plans to go to this party. So I got dressed in this cute but comfortable outfit lowkey I was slaying😇👇

So I got a text from tre telling me that he was at the door so I texted back and said I will be down

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So I got a text from tre telling me that he was at the door so I texted back and said I will be down.

Tre POV:
So me and Taylor was gonna go to a party so I got dresses I this👇

Tre POV:So me and Taylor was gonna go to a party so I got dresses I this👇

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Something simple and all. So then I texted Taylor and said that I was here. Then I got a text back saying that she will be out. So when I saw her she looked gorgeous without trying so glad that she is mine💙 But during the car ride we were just jammin to some good music.

Taylor POV:
So when we got to the party the music was so loud and looked like a lit party in general. So I found my besties, Crystal, Jenny, and Amiyah.(Sorry itsnhard to make up names😂)I had left Tre before the fact. So we went to the dance floor and we're gettin it because that's what the gang does😂 Like we were on the dance floor for like 2 hours straight so I parted to get a drink, WATER. I know some of yall was like she finna get drunk but no sis not today. But anyway I went to the bar and there was a pretty nice looking guy not better than tre but w.e. So he was like what does a pretty young lady like you want?😍 I said thanks and was like can I get a water. He was like sure with a smile. As I got my water we just talked for a while he knows I have a boyfriend so nothing is there. But he is a calm and cool person plus he is mad funny I was dead. But then I said that I had to go and he said okay but follow me on insta. I was like sure and we exchanged our names. But then lastly I said btw my name is Taylor. He then said my name is Chris.

Tre POV:
When Taylor left to hang out with her girls I found my friends and my brother jalen too. We just started talking about whatever and stuff. Taylor looked like she was having fun dancing. So like a hour later I saw her leave to get a drink. In my eyes the bar tender and Taylor were flirting. That pissed my off to the max. Like what else are en they gonna do get MARRIED. And yes I am takin this far. As I keep on watching they exchange phone at this point I could punch a wall. So I step outside to get some air.

Taylor POV:
2 hours later I was looking for tre because it was getting late. So I looked around the house and didn't see him. So I went outside and saw him and then walked in front of him he looked upset I wonder why? But I was like you okay. He rolled his eyes and was like yeah. In my mind I was like who does he think he is rolling his eyes not at me. But you know I kept my chill but instead I said ready to go home. He was like yes. Tonight I was suppose to stay over at his house, I already left some clothes there. When we got into the car I said am I still going to your house. He said yeah without any emotions. The car ride was silent. When we got to his house I said that I was gonna change. So I grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt. When I came out he was already done. I laid on his bed and he laid to the very end of the bed he wasn't talking to me anything. I need to know what's up.

Tre POV:
So when she got into the bed I didn't even want to be close I her. So I was just chilling and she was like tre what happened??? I didnt say anything so then she took my phone and sat right in front of me. She repeated her self again. I said nothing is happening. Then she was really angry.

Taylor POV:
After he said nothing with a blank stare I was about to blow. Then in a irritated tone I said tre something is wrong be you are being distant and giving me an attitude for what. FOR WHAT TRE!!!!! He started to yell YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE I SAW YOU FLIRTING WITH THAT GUY AT THE PARTY AND YOU EXCHANGED NUMBERS HOW ABOUT YOU GO HOOK UP WITH HIM!!!! I calmly said we were just talking he knows that I have a boyfriend. We just exchanged instgrams it's okay. He didn't believe me and said YEAH RIGHT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO BE WITH HIM. He was about to walk away so I stopped him and stood right in front of him blocking him from leaving. As I was about to talk he said MOVE. I said no as I look away for a second I feel pain in my cheek. I look up and see that he slapped me. But as tears started pouring out of my eyes I see that he regrets what he had done. This is the last straw.

Tre POV:
I just couldn't keep my cool so I slapped her. I feel so bad it's just that I have anger issues that make my react the way I do. I knew that I probably lost her forever😣 So as soon as I was about to grad her hand and apologize she went back into the room grabbed her stuff slipped on a pair of shoes and was about to exit the door. As she was about to leave she said I have been good he is a friend and that's it's. We are done... You don't trust me are you serious? And don't you dare lay a hand on me again. Don't talk to me or look in my direction again and this time we are done. When I heard the door slam I strtes to cry I lost the person I really loved😢.
Hey people omg I haven't posted in a while like dang.. I am sorry but I am gonna really try at least more imagine. But if you like vote for this story and if you want a request then comment. SEE yah

Cute Guy Imagines💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora