The Boy Next Door-Reese😍

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Hey people I just moved to Detroit from my beautiful home in Jamaica man I was so pissed but my parents got a better job so I guess that's good. I had to sit through a long airplane ride and then drive a few hours to get to the house. I was supper jetlagged so I slept. Intill i was woken up by my mother i was dead🔫. Like she was being so violent but if I would of got an attitude I would have been beat so nevermind. I slowly got out the car then took some of my boxes out of the car to my room and decided that I would go to sleep. I will probably meet the neighbors tm.

The Next Morning:
I was awoken by a sound of a few guys playing basketball somebody was about to get cursed out like I don't play with my sleep. So I took a quick shower and put on something cute cause I love myself and love to look good(pic at the top). So I walked down stairs my parents weren't up so I just walked out the door took a left and dang they was hot.

 So I walked down stairs my parents weren't up so I just walked out the door took a left and dang they was hot

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Wassup I am Reese I am supper chill. But anyway I was up bright and early about to play basketball with my bro Tre . When I walked outside I saw that new neighbors moved in I really didn't care for now. So an hour into playing basketball this girl was walking towards us she was stunning like an angel😇

As i was walking towards them this one hot guy looked at me for like 20 mins the other dude was straight.I was snapping until he got my attention. I said "Well my name is Y/N and I dislike how i was woken up out of my peaceful sleep to this loud noise do you mind toning it down. Btw I am your new neighbor." I walked away and left them speechless.

I am diggin her. I gotta know her.

So this my first imagine it kinda sucks but if you want more than just comment and if you have any questions, comments, or request also comment. See you later😘

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