Start from the beginning

But she blinked, and those thoughts were gone. She couldn't think about that, couldn't think about him or how he had left or how he had supposedly tried to save them. She believed it, bought into that young hope that she had when he left her with a promise. Remelda wanted to believe that her older brother was good and fought for them, continued to love them, so she did, even if it was against her better judgement. Against the logical part of her mind.

Because, logically, that might not be true and Remus could've been lying, but she had spent a lot of time thinking about it. It was easier to think about this than Regulus' plan, think about how her brother was going to die in less than a month. November ended quickly, and now it was December and she was still trying to forget that he was about to die. Shit. Fuck. Shit.

She didn't want to think about it, think about her sweet, younger brother was about to sacrifice himself and just had to let it happen. She couldn't change it, he had already set his mind to it, even if she didn't want it to happen. She wanted him to live, to sacrifice herself, but Regulus would never let that happen. And she gulped as her eyes scanned over the same page in her Herbology textbook for the millionth time, mind not really processing anything as she tried not to cry.

That's when she heard the chair beside her being pulled out. Looking up, she hoped that she would see Remus, but was met with the hesitant expression of her older brother. Not ex-brother anymore, but brother.

"H-Hi," he nervously said as he sat down, shocking Remelda. She had never heard her brother stutter before, always being confident about everything he said. This was shocking, but it was to be suspected she supposed.

"Hello," she greeted back, still looking at him, not knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry for what Remus said, I didn't mean for him to make you uncomfortable or anything," he rambled, "Really, I'm sorry for sending him at all. I should've been the one to tell you, to be here and everything, but I was scared. After the train, and especially after that night."

Ah, yes, that night. The night where Remelda was almost killed him someone she once considered a friend. The night where he had gotten angry enough at her because she hadn't been in love with him and dreamed the same dreams as him and wanted to leave everything behind to be with him. Yes, that night.

She nodded, "I understand. But he could've been nicer, you know, you always told me he was the nice one."

"He is," Sirius chuckled, "Compared to James, really, he's a Saint and everything. But Peter's nice too, just more quiet. But don't be so hard on Remus, he means well, and it wasn't a good day for him then."

"Really? Well, what happened?" Remelda raised an eyebrow, "Because that day I was still trying to recover from the fake that my friend tried to kill me. What's his excuse?"

"Wait – it was you? You were the person who Alfie almost killed?" Sirius blinked, looking at her in shock.

"You saw me in the hospital wing and everything," Remelda nodded, "But I'm over it now, there's other things to worry about. And what was his excuse again?"

"His – his mother is ill, and he had just gotten a letter that day saying that things weren't going so well for her," Sirius lied. Of course she knew it was a fucking lie, she had known him all his life. And while the Blacks were exceptional liars, he could never lie to her, so why was he trying?

And instead of prying and getting information that wasn't meant for her, she nodded, "Alright. That's fair, I suppose."

"He's very sorry for snapping at you and everything, for telling you the truth when it wasn't his to tell," Sirius said, "You do believe it, right?"

"Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't be speaking to you, now would I?" Remelda asked, "And if Remus is truly sorry, he can apologize himself, otherwise I'm not accepting it."

Sirius' lips twitched up into a smile, and for a moment he let himself forget about their divide, "You'll break his heart, Remelda, like I always knew you would."

She shrugged, "Doesn't matter, does it?"

And it was back to being serious again as he asked her, "Does this mean that we can patch everything up?"

She looked at him with pursed lips, "No. Even though I know that you tried to save us, it still hurt. You still broke me and I still had to put myself back together. I can't be hurt like that again, Sirius, and I hope you understand that."

He nodded slowly, pain filling his eyes for a moment, "I do, and I'll keep trying to gain your trust again until the day I die."

And Remelda nodded, feeling quite content with that answer. She wanted to trust Sirius, she did, she wanted to just be happy and accept him again as her brother without any doubt or issue, but she couldn't. Because now she knew that she could be hurt by him, that he could hurt her, and she didn't want that pain again. It wrecked her, completely and utterly destroyed her, and she wouldn't let him do that again.

Maybe Regulus would destroy her next, take her heart and completely break it as he would die in the very same month, but she knew she would be able to recover. And maybe that would be the push that allowed her finally forgive Sirius for what he did.

Broken Crown ━ Remus Lupin (2)Where stories live. Discover now