Chapter Nine: Ricky

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It was impossible to lay down on the ground and close his eyes and fall asleep before Neal caught up to him, but Ricky tried anyway.

"Ricky, I know you're awake," Neal said, crouching behind him.

Ricky clenched his jaw and said nothing.

"I'm sorry," Neal went on. "I was way out of line. I never should have said that."

Ricky closed his eyes. There were things in his life he wished he could forget, and Neal had just reached into a festering wound and ripped it open. Fresh blood dripped from the gaping sore. He breathed through his mouth to hide his emotional reaction. The familiar stirrings of anger, hurt, regret.

Neal remained crouched behind him for a few minutes more, and then he moved away and lay down also. "Ricky, I'm really sorry."

He was. Ricky could hear it in his voice. But Ricky wasn't ready to let it go yet. He willed himself to fall asleep and let this memory fade back into the past.


Ricky stirred and then sat up, shivering and rubbing his arms. A white sheen of frost covered everything except his bare flesh. He exhaled, watching his breath fog up. Hopefully it would warm up later. He rubbed the frost from his jeans.

Neal groaned and rolled onto his knees, burying his head in his arms.

Jaci's voice carried over to them from a few yards away where the girls had slept. "Show us the rabbit traps, Amanda!"

"Hey, I'm coming," Ricky said, pushing himself to his feet. He cuffed Neal on the back of the head, hoping that showed he wasn't angry about last night anymore. "You coming?"

"In a minute."

They followed Amanda to the rabbit traps.

"This one's empty," Ricky sighed, picking one up.

"Not this one!" Jaci held up a trap with a rabbit inside. The animal scooted away from her, staring with black liquid eyes. The large ears trembled in fear.

"Poor thing," Amanda murmured. She held up another trap. "Anyone want a mouse?"

Ricky laughed. "That one's for you, Amanda, so you don't have to eat the rabbit."

She shoved him mildly. "Ha ha."

They found the other three traps. Two more had rabbits and the third was also empty.

Neal was waiting for them when they returned. "Three rabbits and a mouse?" he said, eyeing their trappings.

"Better than nothing," Amanda said. She turned to Jaci and held out the traps. "You volunteered for this. You're up."

Jaci stepped forward and took the traps. She pressed her lips together and gulped.

She didn't want to do this, and Ricky didn't blame her. Skinning cute, fluffy little mammals was different than skinning fish. "I'll help," he said, stepping forward.

Amanda's eyes danced from him to Jaci. "Don't you think you should catch more fish for us, before we leave the water?"

"Somebody's gotta help Jaci," he said flatly.

Jaci shot him a look that clearly said, "I told you so." With a sinking feeling, he realized she was right. Unless he laid it out flat for Amanda, she wasn't going to get the hint.

"I'm sure Neal will help Jaci," Amanda said, flashing Neal a smile.

"Sure," Neal said with a shrug.

Jaci and Ricky: The Untold StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum