Author's Note

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When Perilous was accepted for publication, it was a very different book than what it is now. I wrote it to be inspirational fiction with a sweet love story to carry these four teen girls through the dramatic experience of a kidnapping and all it entails.

My publishers had a different vision. They wanted it to be a thriller, to lose most of the touchy-feely stuff and get down to the action.

So that's what we made it. We cut out The Hand's story (he has his own book now, Deliverer), cut out Ricky's story, cut out most of the religious references, and removed almost all of the romance.

Imiss that old book.

This is the rest of the story. The love story between Jaci and Ricky was what inspired me to write the book, and yet most of it was removed from the final product. Because of how final edits went, many of these scenes wouldn't fit in the book now, but they are still lovely and delicious and dramatic. Just as a reminder, this is not a complete story. If you haven't read Perilous, you will feel(correctly) that you are missing pieces of the puzzle. If you've already read it or don't care, please carry on!

Some of these scenes you may remember, as they slipped into the book from a different character's perspective. Others are very similar but were slightly rewritten to remove references to the romance. Some scenes were cut completely and will be new to you.

However you slice it, I hope you enjoy this book.

Jaciand Ricky: The Untold Story

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