Chapter Eight: Jaci

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Jaci watched Amanda plant the animal traps, but she felt only the tiniest bit of hope that they'd actually catch something. She shivered in the light wind, hugging herself. They were starving and freezing. And there was somebody out there, close by, who could be a danger to them. They wouldn't survive much longer. She felt the knowledge enter her heart like a lead rock. They were going to die out here.

Neal touched her shoulder. "We're going to get you girls out of this. I promise," he said, as if reading her thoughts.

Ricky snorted. "You promise, huh? You got some magic powers you holding out on us?"

Neal gritted his teeth. "You're tired, you're cold, and you're hungry, so I'm just going to ignore you."

"Of course you are, because anything I say that threatens your 'authority' intimidates you."

"I'm only in charge of you, Ricky, because you're too reckless to take care of yourself!"

Jaci had forgotten how stupid and petty sibling fights were. She remembered the last words she and her brother Seth had exchanged, and her throat closed up. She wished more than anything that they'd made up before she left home that night. "Guys, cut it out."

"Forget it." Ricky waved a hand at Neal. "You save the world, be a hero. I can handle things just fine my way." He started away from the group.

"Yeah?" Neal called after him. "Like you handled Lauren?"

Ricky paused in midstride, every part of his body going rigid.

Neal took a step back, even though Ricky hadn't moved, hadn't turned around. He remained that way for half a heartbeat, and then he walked away as if nothing had been said.

"Ricky." Neal left the three girls behind and ran after his brother.

Jaci glanced around at her friends, imagining she had the same shocked and confused expression on her face as they did. "I think we should all pretend we didn't hear that." Whatever Neal had said, he shouldn't have. Ricky's reaction made that clear.

"Anyone know who Lauren is?" Amanda asked.

"No," Sara said. "Never heard him mention her."


"Me neither," Jaci said.

"Sounds like there was another girl," Amanda said softly, her tone contemplative. "And things didn't end well."

"I don't think you should ask him," Jaci said, a warning in her voice. Her heart twisted painfully at the thought of who and what Lauren might have been, but if Ricky wanted her to know, he would tell her.

"No way am I asking!" Amanda said. "Do I look like an idiot? I don't need him mad at me!" She paused. "But if either of you finds out, you better tell me."

"Let's just get to bed." Jaci gathered up her leaf pile and wandered closer to the fire. She lay down facing it so she wouldn't have to see her friends. But instead of sleeping, she watched the flames dancing within the rock circle. She wanted to know who Lauren was, too.

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