I wrap my arms around her and nuzzle my face by her neck. "I'm just really happy to be next to you." 

"Will you spend the night here?" Hana whispers as she holds onto the end of my shirt. 

"If you don't mind me crashing here." I say to her as I peer at her face. She kisses my cheek and smiles. 

"This is your home too." 

My chest fills up with warmness from her one sentence. She honestly doesn't know the magic she does to me. I squeeze her tightly as she giggles. 

"I love you so fucking much Hana it hurts." I whisper in her ear as her face reddens. 

"Hearing you say those words is something I have to get used to." She replies. 

"Well get used to it, princess." I kiss her nose and pull away. "So, what should we do for dinner?" 

Hana shrugs as she gets out of bed and ties her hair into a bun. "I can see what I have in the kitchen." She looks over to me as I nod. The two of us leave her bedroom and walk down the stairs towards her kitchen. 

- - - - 

"Her hair is literally goals." Hana says between munches of popcorn. Our dinner ending up only being popcorn and soda. 

"It must take her hours to comb though." I chuckle as I sip on my soda. Hana and I are currently watching 'Tangled' another movie in our Disney movie marathon. 

"Maybe...but it doesn't matter since she ends up with short hair at the end." She shrugs beside me as her eyes are glued to the T.V. 

"Spoilers!" I nudge her as she rolls her eyes playfully. 

"I won't tell you when it happens, okay?" A playful smirk on her face. Damn, she's adorable. Our eyes melting in each other's gaze. I feel my body inching closer to her as her cheeks start to redden. I place my hand on the back of her head and envelope her lips with mine. 

Our kiss slow and passionate as Tangled plays in the background. Each time our lips meeting only making me want her more as I lean her down on the couch. I feel her arms wrap around my neck as she hungrily kisses me. 

I widen my eyes as we pull away for a second. 

"Why'd you stop?" Hana whines as I can't help but smirk at her eagerness. 

"I'm just surprised." My gaze on her as she adverts my gaze with a pout. 

"It's been awhile since I've had contact with a guy." Her voice a bit strained as my heart aches. I lift her chin up to get her attention. 

"Are you thinking about Hanzo again?" 

Her eyebrows scrunching together as I see the pain wash over her face. I grab hold of her waist, flipping her around so she's now on top as I tightly pull her close. 

"I'm the only guy you should be thinking about right now, Hana Song." 

My words making her heart race as I feel my own heart rapidly beating. Hana closes her eyes as she quietly listens to my heart which only makes me more nervous. 

"Is your heart usually this fast?" She looks up at me as I only smile at her.

"Only when I'm with you." 

Hana blushes as she giggles. "That's super cheesy."

"I can come up with more cheesy lines as long as you pay attention to me." I kiss the top of her head as she lays her head back on my chest and nods. 

"Let's make memories together." Hana sticks her pinky out as I stare at it.

"This brings back a lot of childhood memories." I say to her as I wrap my pinky around hers. 

"When was the last time you made a pinky promise?" 

I ponder at the thought. "Probably something silly with Hanzo. But let's not say his name around here. It only makes me angrier." We release our pinkies as I pull Hana close to my eye level. A smile creeping on my face the longer I look at her. Little does she know we made a promise way back. A promise for me to tell her why I was acting so weird when Jack came into the picture.

"You're really in love with me, aren't you?" Hana asks as I cuddle her tightly. 

"Of course. I never knew I could be a clingy boyfriend. Sorry not sorry." 

Hana's breath tickling my neck as we go back to watching Tangled. I remember the last pinky promise I made with Hanzo...I can't bear to tell Hana though. Hanzo and I made a promise back in high school not to date the same girl. The rule was formed long ago because of the many confessions from classmates. But Hanzo long broke that rule before with a girl I can't remember anymore. 

All I know now is that I'm happily with Hana. Whatever obstacle comes my way I'll try my best to overcome it. 

- - - - 

Sorry for a slow update! Writers block is a pain & I wish it would leave. 8c

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