Oh Hell No

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Andy's POV

As soon as I get the text message me and Angelina get back in the car and drive to the hospital.

*Skip Car Ride*

I get to the hospital and I see all the boys sitting in the lobby. I run up to Carter and I hug him really tight and cry into his shoulder, Matt comes up behind me and rubs my back.

"He's going to be ok, babe" Matt says

"What happened to him?" I said wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"He was driving home, and a big semi truck ran a red light and it hit the side of his car really hard" Carter says

"OH MY GOD!! I need to go see him" I say

"We cant right now he's in surgery" Carter says

Someone that shouldn't be here walks in the lobby doors.

"What the hell are you doing here?! You don't give a fuck about Aaron, your just here to take him from me to! That's not happening!" I yell, loud enough for the whole hospital to hear me. I run up to Olivia and start punching her, I let my anger out on her. Matt and Carter come up to me and pull me off. Olivia gets up off of the ground

"Oh, he didn't tell you? I'm pregnant, with HIS CHILD!" Oliva said

"YOU ARE NOT, IF YOU WERE HE WOULD'VE KNOWN AND HE WOULD'VE TOLD ME! Now, either get your ass out of here, or i'll escort you out and it won't be pretty." I yelled, while crying again

"No!" Olivia said

"Then get the hell away from me!" I yelled

"ANDY CALM DOWN!" Carter yells. Matt comes over to me and hugs me tightly, I start crying more than I ever have before.

"Babe, he will be okay, he is almost done in surgery. We can go see him soon." Matt says while sitting down on the couch, he puts me on his lap, while i'm still crying

"I know but just the thought of me losing Aaron breaks my heart because he is my bestfriend and I don't want to lose him" I say crying even harder

The lady comes out to the lobby "Are you guys Aaron Carpenter's friends?" The lady asks

"Yes" we all say

"Two of you can go see Aaron at a time" The lady says

"I think that Andy and Angelina should go see him first" Matt says

"Shouldn't I get to see him, I'm the one carrying his child" Olivia says deviously

"Sit your ass down, your nothing but an attention whore, Aaron wouldn't have sex with you even if you were the last person on earth" I say to Oliva, I wanted to get that off my chest before I get to see Aaron.

Angelina and I get to Aaron's room and as soon as I see Aaron I run up to him and hug him.

"Hey cutie" Aaron says, while smiling

"Hey, are you ok?" I say trying to smile

"Yeah, I am now that your here" Aaron says


Hey guys, heres a quick update for ya :)

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