Cute & Fluffy (niam)

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Okay then, I'm tired af

Here is some Niam


Niall always wakes first - he has to be at work by seven-thirty; Liam, not until nine - and although he tries to be quiet, he usually wakes Liam anyway, accidentally. But Liam doesn't mind; he likes to lie in the warm dark of the blankets and listen to Niall talk to himself as he gets ready.

He listens to the water running as Niall washes up, shaves, and brushes his teeth, then rolls over onto his side so he can watch him get dressed. Niall pulls a sweater out of his closet, examines it, frowns, tosses it back in, and grabs a T-shirt instead, pulling a loose button-down over it. He wriggles into a pair of jeans, hopping from foot to foot, and gets them up around his ass. He tries to button them, but Liam, from his spot in bed, can see what's not immediately obvious to Niall: the soft flesh of his waist is beginning to spill over the sides of his jeans, his stomach crowding the button. Niall whines, fumbling with the button once more before yanking off the pants. He curses under his breath and rummages through his closet for a more forgiving pair of jeans.

When Liam finally traipses downstairs an hour later, he notices that Niall ignored the muffins Liam made last night in favor of one of the ripening bananas from the windowsill, and his bag lunch has been conspicuously forgotten in the fridge. Liam sighs. Trust Niall to turn one pair of snug jeans into a full-scale dietary overhaul. He'll make some of Niall's favorites tonight; that should dissuade him from any stupid ideas he might have about living on meals of singular bananas.

And he's right, kind of: Niall comes home exhausted and eats four helpings of fried chicken and mashed potatoes but declines dessert in favor of dozing on Liam's shoulder when they're watching the news afterward. He keeps one eye on the news and one on Niall, who doesn't look like he's sleeping comfortably. His face is creased with a frown, and his bloated stomach rounds out in a hard bulge under his t-shirt. Liam resists the urge to slide a hand under the cotton and massage it - he's afraid it might wake him, and if Niall's going to be uncomfortable, he might as well do it while he's unconscious.

By the time Niall wakes up, the broadcast is over, and Liam has rearranged their bodies so that he's spooned against Niall's back. Niall shifts, dislodging a tiny burp, and presses a hand against his stomach. Liam watches his frown deepen in profile, and strokes his hair with his free hand.

"You okay?" he asks, and Niall shrugs.

"Just full," he says, tugging at the hem of his t-shirt. "I ate way too much."

Liam's own insides warm with a feeling that's a little more intense than a general satisfaction that Niall likes his cooking. He knows he likes Niall a little rounder, a little softer, but there's something about hearing Niall acknowledge it that tugs at a different part of him. Maybe it's how vulnerable he looks, lying sleepy and stuffed and soft-bellied in Liam's arms, or maybe it's the way his mouth twists when he grimaces against the fullness. Liam exhales sharply.

Niall pulls one of Liam's hands to his belly. "Do you think I look chubby?" he asks, and Liam's brain screeches to a halt somewhere between eye-roll and arousal.

"Right now, or in general?"

He feels Niall tense. "Um. Both, I guess."

"Well," says Liam, struggling, "considering that you just ate enough dinner to feed a small family, you look a little bloated right now, yeah." He runs a hand under Niall's T-shirt, over his swollen belly, and Niall squirms against him.

"And in general?" he asks.

"I think you look fine," says Liam carefully. "Why? Did one of your brothers say something? Because some of them are just little shits, Niall, they don't know -"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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