Niall & the Balloons pt 2

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this is just a continuation of the previous chapter, so yeah. (:


Deciding to find out how to reverse this later, Niall grabbed a red balloon labeled "apple". He walked over to the sink noticing the feel of his new rear and how it wasn't really affecting his mobility. It was just there.

At the sink, the boy carefully wrapped the balloon around the faucet and turned on the warm water. As Niall expected, he felt a warm, full feeling in his tummy as the balloon filled. Resisting the urge to look down, Niall continued to fill the balloon until it was past its point and was filled with at least three gallons of water. Shutting the water off and tying the balloon, Niall let it sit in the sink.

He looked down to see what he expected: the blonde's belly has swollen outward, appearing twice as large as the balloon. His shirt no longer covers it and, unlike his ass which seems entirely unaffected by gravity, sags. Niall poked his tummy and watched it jiggle and wobble like a water balloon would. Niall smiled. "This is pretty cool." he whispered to himself as soon as he heard a sloshing noise come from his belly.

Looking at the bag, Niall grabbed another balloon labeled "all around", and once again brought it under the sink. While filling it, Niall had wondered what it would do. As the balloon grew bigger, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body.

"Woah, this feels good."

Niall, like earlier, let the balloon fill up with at least two gallons of water and tied it up. He gasped as soon as he had looked down, his tummy had expanded to an even greater size and his thighs seemed to have swelled up as well.

Niall then waddled up the stairs, which was pretty hard for him due to all the water weight, and looked in the mirror in his room. Niall smiled. His cheeks were puffed out and he had a small double chin. His arms had also gotten filled with water.

Niall brought his hands to his face to feel his cheeks, only to see his swelled up hands. Niall once again smiled at his new form. The boy liked the feeling of getting filled and liked the results.

While Niall was examining himself in the mirror in his room, he heard voices down stairs.

"Niall we're back, do you have the balloons?" "Uh, yeah. Gimme a moment." Niall was freaking out. How would he explain to the boys that he filled himself with water. He looked to his bed, only to see the balloons there. "How'd they get up here?" Niall contemplated about telling the boys about the magic balloons, but he chose not to.

He just grabbed a packet or regular water balloons and proceeded to waddle down the stairs, scared of what they were going to say about his body.

"There you are Ni, wanna have a snack before we go back outside. Oh and Liam bought a fan so we can stay cool inside, he already set it up." said Zayn.

Niall was confused, didn't Zayn notice his body? Niall walked to the living room where he found Liam and Louis. "Hey Ni." said Louis, then he hugged Niall. Niall felt kinda awkward when he was hugged because his now chubby face went in Louis' chest. He was pretty short. "How's my little chubby best friend."

"I must've altered reality somehow." thought Niall. "Um, I'm good Lou." Niall then waddled out of the living room, not before Liam patted his tummy saying he was "such an adorable and chubby baby".

Niall was about the go back to his room until he accidentally ran into Harry. This caused our body to create the sloshing sound again. "Hey Haz." "Hey Ni, wanna wear one of my bigger shirts, not that I'm saying you're fat, I just want you to borrow mine." Harry rambled with a small blush. "Sure, thanks Haz." The two then walked, well, Niall waddled, to Harry's room.

"Here you go my cute and tubby friend." Harry handed over a black t-shirt with The 1975 displayed on it. Niall then went to his room to go put it on.

Once he slipped it in, he noticed that it was slightly tight. His moobs and belly stretched the shirt to its limits. "Man, I wish this shirt fit me." Niall said while looking in the mirror. 

All of a sudden, the shirt morphed to fit Niall. It wasn't baggy, but it wasn't tight. It was perfect.

Niall then waddled outside to see the boys filling up the water balloons.

Niall then saw the boys using the "special" balloons.

"Oh. shit."


K, hopefully you liked it (:

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