The Milk Gallon (harry)

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Summary: There's a gallon of milk obstructing the space in Harry's fridge and to get rid of it, Harry decides to drink it all.


Harry had just come back from shopping. When he opened the door of his fridge his eyes immediately fell on a large gallon container of milk. How could they not? After all, the thing was taking up all of the top shelf, lying on its side. It had been planned that Niall would be visiting for the weekend and Harry hadn't wanted to have to run out to get milk every morning because they'd used it all up too quickly. So he'd tried to find a larger than usual quantity.

However, all he could find was the usual small ones and the really large gallon containers which the parents of large families with four or five kids tended to buy. Harry didn't usually need that much milk, but in the end he just gave in and bought it. He was sure they'd get through most of it that weekend anyway.

Then Harry's mother had called to tell him that Niall had been invited on a friend's camping-trip birthday party very short notice. Harry couldn't, of course, deny his son a weekend of fun with his friends and so he had agreed that Niall would stay with him the next weekend.

So this Saturday morning found Harry taking the heavy gallon container from his fridge and setting it on the kitchen counter to make room for the groceries he had just bought. He put those away and when he'd closed the fridge, there the milk was again; just sitting there and in the way.

For a moment the tall man considered just pouring the milk down the drain. But he didn't really like that idea, not being a person to waste anything lightly. But what could you do with so much milk. Well, you could make custard if you had that powder stuff around, but Harry didn't have that either. Or... you could drink it, he suposed. The man nodded and approached the container. Yes, he'd just drink it.

Harry grabbed the container and unscrewed the top.

Then, he lifted the thing to his mouth and began drinking in long, steady gulps. He drank until he had to come up for air. Harry took some breaths and belched before continuing to drink. He continued this pattern until he'd drained about a quarter of the container.

"Urp," Harry belched, placing a hand against his stomach which was starting to bulge a bit. Hesitating a moment, he decided to unbutton his waist coat to keep the strain off the buttons and to give his belly more freedom to expand.

Then he continued drinking, listening to his own gulps in the silence of his house. The level of milk in the container decreased while the fullness and pressure in Harry's belly grew considerably. He wished he could hold the container with one hand so he could rub his belly with the other, but the container was still too full and heavy to hold it that way.

He drank, interrupted by the occasional pause and burp, until about half the gallon was gone and filling his belly.

Oooh, he needed a break then, his belly was feeling so stretched; too stretched to continue drinking while standing up. Placing the container back on the counter, Harry leant back against the edge, both hands on his now considerably rounded belly.

"Oh, uuuuurp." Harry moaned and belched loudly, rubbing his hands over the bulge in his belly. The man pressed against the firmness a bit and his belly produced a few small gurgles, causing another belch to errupt.

Harry looked down and had to chuckle at how his stomach was pushing out in a round curve, making his shirt noticeably tighter around the middle. He gave his gut a small pat and decided he really had to sit down if he was going to drink the rest of the milk. The fullness of his stomach was already causing an uncomfortable pull in his sides as his gut attempted to sag forward from the foreign weight.

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