Liam's Marshmallows

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okay, so basically Liam wants marshmallows and he goes to the store, but some random guy (Zayn) gives some to him for free and what Liam doesn't know is that each marshmallow he eats, he slowly fills up with marshmallow fluff


Liam was at home just chilling on the couch, when suddenly he was hit with a craving for marshmallows. It was strange due to the fact that he hasn't had a marshmallow in so long, but he doesn't question it.

Liam thought that he should go to the store and get some marshmallows because his wanting for them just didn't want to leave. He decided that he would go on foot because it isn't that long of a walk. So he set forth to the store.

On the way there, he heard a "psst! Hey, boy, come here. I have something for you." Liam was unsure. Well, first of all, a stranger was calling him over to an alleyway, second, he could be kidnapped or worse, and third, well, that voice sounded so familiar, but he was scared. "Who's back there?" called out a slightly nervous Liam. "It's me Liam, it's Zayn. Remember?"

"Zayn? Who the hell is Zayn?" thought Liam. "Wait, Zayn Malik from high school?" Liam slowly made his way over to the boy with black hair. "Yeah, hello Liam, again." "So, uh, why'd you call me over?" "Oh yeah, I got something for you, here." Zayn handed Liam a big sack that appeared to have marshmallows in it. "What the- how'd you know I wanted this?" Liam was getting pretty scared right now. "Oh, I didn't know you wanted these, sorry if I'm scaring you. I was just tryna be nice, ya know." Liam saw some guilt and sympathy in the other boy. "It's alright man, I'll take em, thanks." Liam smiled to Zayn, grabbed the large bag and walked back home.

On his journey back home, Liam popped a marshmallow in his mouth.  As soon as he had swallowed it, he felt a small pressure on his stomach. Liam didn't think too much of it though, "Maybe I'm allergic to these." But he soon popped another one into his mouth and the pressure feeling returned.

It didn't hurt, it felt really really good for Liam. He went down to rub his stomach and it felt different than it had before. He looked down and almost yelled.

He now had a small beer belly that stuck out a good two inches. When Liam went to poke it, it had felt soft, not like fat or muscle. It felt sort of like a marshmallow..."What the.." Liam had muttered to himself.

He wanted to test this out so as soon as he got home, he popped two more into his mouth, again, the pressure feeling returned to his stomach, but he also felt it in his thighs. "This is new," he whispered to himself. His thighs seemed to have gotten puffier than before, as well as his stomach.

Liam immediately went up to his room and took off his jeans and replaced them with sweatpants. He then went back downstairs, sat on the couch, and popped a couple more of the sweets into his mouth. His stomach slowly expanded forward, as did his thighs. His thighs started touching each other and ballooned quicker than his tummy.

Liam then felt himself rising a little bit. "Oh my god. My ass is inflating too." His sweatpants had started feeling tighter, but Liam enjoyed this feeling.

After a few minutes of poking and prodding at his body, Liam confirmed that he was filled with marshmallow fluff. Underneath his skin felt soft and pillowy, just like a marshmallow.  And it couldn't have been fat because fat jiggles, and Liam's body didn't jiggle. When he pressed into his stomach, his finger sunk in and left a small imprint, which later disappeared because the fluff came back up.

Liam had started enjoying this feeling and thought, "what the hell." and proceeded to shove as many marshmallows in his mouth as possible and he kept eating them.

Liam was left expanding for hours, and wanted to get up and thank Zayn.

But Liam couldn't get up.


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