Chapter Seven

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              Entertainment Weekly

We are here with an update on the case of Tom Holland's disappearance

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We are here with an update on the case of Tom Holland's disappearance. The police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have a lead on his whereabouts. They are acting on the lead as of now and we are all praying for Tom's safe return.

We are still all praying for the Holland family and friends. The world is still looking for the 21 year old and we all hope that we are closer than before to finding the missing celebrity.


Harrison wiped sweat from his brow with his left hand, using his right to steady himself against the wall of the alley. His breathing was heavy and slightly eratic and he wanted nothing more than to just collapse and let the world fall away.

But the fact that he had just done something he never thought he'd ever do in a million years, kept him from doing so.

Harrison pushed away from the man he had basically beat information out of. The man was maybe a couple years older than he was and put up a fight but not much. Especially after he mentioned Tom's name.

The man was an old friend of Gerald Gillum, aka G-Eazy. He said his name was Ray Teller and that Gerald was always talking about Tom. Talking about him as if he were borderline obsessed with him.

Harrison glared down at the man who gave him the information. "You said that you think Gerald has Tom. Why?!"

Ray made a face. "The last time I talked to him, he said something that didn't make any sense. He said that Tom was great to have around and at first I thought he meant whenever he had talked with him at events. But now...I fear the worst."

Harrison nodded and moved further away from the man with a busted lip, possible broken nose and a bruised cheek. Before he left the alley, he said, "This stays between me and you."

Ray raised his hands in surrender. "Look you've got no problem here! If I were in your position, I'd do the same thing. I hope you find your friend."

Harrison muttered under his breath. "Me too." And he left the alley, having no idea that someone else was watching him.

When Gerald had entered the room again, Tom didn't fight to get out. He couldn't. He froze up at the very last second and couldn't move. He was too scared. Terrified. The moment he saw Gerald, he was rooted to the spot.

Tom was now sitting on the bed, anger and fear running through him because Gerald told him that he was coming back with a surprise to make him happy. Tom was terrified because he had no idea what this surprise was and if it would lead to him being raped again or worse.

As much as Tom wanted to escape and go home, he didn't want to make his captor angry and volatile. If that happened, then he would never get out of here. And he might end up dead or hurt so much he would wish he was dead.

Tom sighed and swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up and making his way across the room to the bookcase by the wall. Staring at the books that filled up the shelves, he picked up Romeo and Juliet. Tom loved the book and it was a personal favorite. He'd read it twice already and this will make three times.

Even as an actor, Tom was more of a reader than most and if you asked him about any books from the 21st century he'd be able to tell you the whole plot if he's read it. Harrison always called him a bookworm back in high school and still did, occasionally. Tom considered it a pastime though, since he only ever really got into reading if there was nothing else to do.

Like now.

Tom spent about what seemed like an hour and a half or so reading the book before he heard a door slam shut and footsteps coming toward his room. Wow, I've resorted to calling this place my room. How far have I fallen?

Tom's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and he sat up to face Gerald if he had to but he froze in his movements and stared at the person Gerald was carrying into the room, his mouth dropping in shock.

Once again I am so sorry for the long ass wait but I was having a bit of writers block and on top of that school. But after some more thinking and brainstorming I have a decent idea of where this is going so bear with me🙂

Anyways because I took so long to update tomorrow I will probably spoil you guys with two or three chapters two hours apart from each other. No promises though.

Another thing is I want all of you to check out the first two parts of this book called Midnight Shadows that I just started. It's just the copyright and casting and I believe some of you will love the cast members very much.

Sorry for the cliffhanger know how much I love those😁See you guys in the next chapter!

Love you guys😘

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