Chapter Two

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There was no way to tell how long he had been unconscious for, especially when he woke up and found himself in a dark room, tied to a chair with tape covering his mouth so he couldn't speak. Not to mention that this particular room didn't have a window just like his room back home.

Tom's head hurt like hell and it took almost every ounce of whatever energy he had not to pass out from the pain. He squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds before he opened them again. His eyesight wasn't as blurry anymore and he could see a little better in the dark room.

As much as he could tell he was in the middle of the floor and he could just make out a bed in the corner of the room. If he craned his head he could see a big metal door behind him but other than that there was nothing else in the room. The matress was on the floor since there was no bed frame.

Tom didn't know why he was here or why he'd been kidnapped. He only knew that this may not turn out well for himself. If no one found him, he might end up dead in a ditch or something.

There was the sound of a key turning in the door behind him and it opened with a loud creak as the hinges turned. Tom heard a few footsteps and he began to panic when he felt the person come to stand behind the cair he was tied to.

His chest began to rise and fall really fast and if Tom didn't know any better he would say that he was having a panic attack. But he didn't get panic attacks. At all so this would be a first.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The voice of the man standing behind him. "As long as you do as I say and don't disobey me, you won't get hurt."

As the man was talking he slowly walked around and stood in front of Tom. Kneeling down in front of him, the man stared at his face.

"Do you understand?"

Tom glowered at the man kneeling in front of him with an angry glint in his eyes. There was no way Tom was answering this prick or do anything he told him to. So he glared at him.

The man sighed and because it was too dark to see the mans face, Tom couldn't see if he was angry or not.

Tom flinched when he felt the man touch his face and he let out a sound of protest when the man touched him again. Tom's breathing began to become irregular and the pain from his head intensified, causing him to groan behind the tape. His head started spinning and no matter how hard he tried not to, he still passed out.

Harrison pulled up into Tom's driveway and climbed out of the car. He had called Tom earlier this morning but he didn't pick up so he decided to come over and check on him. As he walked up the front stairs, Harrison got a strong feeling that something was wrong.

Knocking on the door, Harrison glanced around and saw a few neighbors standing outside watching him with curiosity. Wow I guess people really are nosy sometimes, Harrison thought with a chuckle. He knocked again and when no one came to the door, he looked under the door mat and grabbed the spare key.

The minute Harrison entered the house and saw shattered glass and blood, Harrison yelled Tom's name and searched the house.

"Tom! Tom where are you?!" Harrison yelled as he searched the entire house. The only thing that he was able to find was Tessa, who's snout was bleeding and he pulled his phone out, shot a text to Zendaya and called the police.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Harrison swore as he paced around outside waiting for the cops and the others to get here. The neighbors were really watching now, wondering why he was pacing and why he looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

The police and the others arrived around the same time and the police asked him a bunch of questions which he answered truthfully and when they went to do their job, Zendaya and the others rushed over to him.

"What happened?!" Tony exclaimed.

"What's going on?!" Jacob demanded.

"Where's Tom?!" Zendaya and Laura asked.

Harrison had started to pace back and forth again, running his hands through his hair in frustration and panic. He had to get himself together and tell them what was going on.

"Tom...isn't here. I think he's been kidnapped. The whole first floor is a mess and there's blood on the floor in the living room and front hall." Harrison explained.

Robert stared at Harrison in shock and surprise. "You're kidding right?"

Harrison looked at him as if he were crazy. "Do I look like I'm fucking kidding?! Does this look like it's a joke?!"

Harrison spread his arms out, motioning to the police coming out of Tom's house, on the radio and calling for back up. Everyone finally took in what was happening and it was like a bomb just blew up in their faces as reality sunk in.

Tom had been kidnapped. And no one knew where he was.

Hello everyone so here is chapter 2! I hope it was enjoyable to read the aftermath of the kidnapping...or something like that.

Anyway, if I'm feeling up for it, another chapter will be up later on. At least if I'm able to finish chapter 7 of Royal Bloodlines.

A special thanks to the people who've been reading this so far(ya'll know who I'm talking about) and I'll see you guys in the next chapter😘

The Kidnapping Of Tom Holland (Wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now