You- Me- Us- Together

Start from the beginning

“Vin?” Gio’s voice made me jump and point the gun at him as I shook. I couldn’t stay still. I couldn’t think. The bullets were so loud. Why are they so loud?

“Why are they so loud, Gio!?” I screamed. He looked scared but still took a step toward me. I held the gun back up but he didn’t stop coming closer. “They’re so fucking loud!”




That was the only sound I could hear.

I felt Gio’s hand touch my bicep and I flinched away. He caused this! He caused it all! If he never came here, the boys and I would have never been forced to go through with that. We would have had more time. I would have Tommy.

“It’s all your fault!” I hissed and pointed the gun right at his heart. He froze finally and gave me a pleading look.

“Vin, you know that’s not true,” he reasoned. “I didn’t shoot him and neither did-“

“Shut up! You did it! You did it! You had to come here and mess everything up. Mess with my school, my family, my boys, and my heart! You mess up everything you touch! You messed me up! You killed Tommy!” Tears filled his eyes but he turned so I wouldn’t see.

“I didn’t want to come here, Vincent. I didn’t want to take your school. I didn’t want Tommy to die. I didn’t want to mess with your boys. I didn’t want your fucking heart! I didn’t want any of it!” he screamed. “I didn’t want any of you or your touches or your bites or your smiles or your winks or your smirks! I didn’t want anything from you! I never did but I couldn’t help it! I couldn’t help that every time I looked at you my heart sped up. I couldn’t help that when you brushed against me I wanted to grab your face and kiss you. I couldn’t help the way I felt when you protected me from my pops.” He was crying so hard by now. “And I can’t help that I am so, unexplainably, uncontainably, madly in love with you.”

I dropped the gun on the floor and closed my eyes. He doesn’t mean it. He just wants you to trust him so he can take more away from you. He doesn’t love you Vinnie. Whoever could? Your own pops hates you. What makes you think Gio is any different?

“You’re a liar,” I said and opened my eyes. He started at me with a face that was mixed with disbelief and anger. His fist clenched at his sides and then suddenly I was on the floor with his hand on my throat.

“You listen to me and you fucking listen good!” he yelled. “I am in love with you and no matter how hard you push me away, Vincent Alexandria Mussolini, I am never going to let you go. Ever. Now get that through you thick skull you worthless piece of shit!”

I grabbed at his hand but he just pressed in harder. Why is he doing this? Maybe he can take the pain away. Maybe he can finish me off and I can be with Tommy again.

“Kill me,” I whispered and closed my eyes, welcoming the death. Instead all I got was a slap across my face.

“Screw you, Vincent!” he screeched and then got off of me. He started to walk away but it made my heart hurt. I am like one big game of fucking tug-of-war. I want him- then I don’t. I hate him- and then I love him. I miss him- but I can’t stand the sight of him.

“Don’t go!” I shouted without thinking. “Please, don’t leave me.”

He turned around so fast I barely saw what he was doing before he grabbed the back of my neck and slammed my mouth down to his. His chest was pumping angrily against mine but that only made me want him more. I needed angry. I need this.

I pushed us back until his back hit the wall and then forced my tongue into his mouth. He moaned and dug his nails into the back of my neck. He tasted so much better than I could ever fucking hope. It was so masculine but somehow still delicious in every way.

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