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This is the first part of this chapter, part 2 will be up soon.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter, tell me what you think - comment & vote!

Boys, Music and Jealous Bitches.

“I love you” he admitted, I stared into his eyes getting lost in all of his emotions. This is not happening! I didn’t know what to say so what do I do? I ran and ran, turning corners and dodging people. How was I supposed to answer that?

 Boys... as cliché as this may seem, you can’t live with them, but can’t live without them.

I stopped at a corner shop and slid to the ground, not caring about the dirt. One single tear flowed down my cheek, after that I couldn’t hold them back anymore. A waterfall of tears spilled from my eyes and I started sobbing. I’m such a cry baby; I need to get a grip. UGH! You’re so stupid Vicki and your just embarrassing yourself.

“Vicki?” a soft concerned voice asked I then heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and quicker. Warm arms circled around me, lifting me up as if I weighed nothing. Peering up my eyes landed on beautiful concerned eyes...

(Hours before)

I watched as moody teenagers filed out of Mrs Gutsy’s class room, MG was one of the last to escape he was staring at the papers in his hand with a confused look on his face. He then noticed me standing there and relief washed through his eyes “thanks for waiting Vicki, I thought you were going to abandon me” he chuckled. My stomach did a flip flop, ugh what’s wrong with me I have know him for less than an hour and his chuckle has that affect on my body! I smirked “now now you can’t get rid of me that easily” I said flirtatiously.

He chuckled again “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad?” he said smirking and handing me his time table. “A good thing, definitely good” I said while searching his timetable, I found out he had Music first which according to my time table I had as well. Music is one of my favourite subjects, looks like MG and I have a similar interests.

“Come on we have music first.” I said while grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the music corridor, people complained as I pushed past them. “Fresh meat coming through! Move out of the way!” I yelled making the crowd split like the red sea. I smirked when I saw MGs shocked face.

Pulling MG through the pathway that had been made, we finally reached the music corridor. Here at PAHS (Performing Arts high school) there are many musicians which means there is a lot of competition to be the best, so if MG wants to succeed here he’s got to be better than good. This also means we need a lot of space for different lessons. We have 15 practice rooms all quite small and 2 lesson rooms, 5 of the 15 have grand pianos in them, 2 have drum kits in them and the remaining ones have a range of instruments.

M1 was our music room this year so we headed to the end of the corridor where it was, the door was already open so we walked in. I noticed the teacher wasn’t here yet, we will probably have Mr Tracey he teaches most of the classes. Mr Tracey is young and full of himself; I never really liked him last year so I doubt anything has changed over the summer holidays.

“Icky!” someone yelled, taking me out of my day dream. I turned around to see who had called me by my nickname only to find it was one of my best friends Alfie. “Alf!” I screamed in excitement, I hadn’t seen him since the last day of school, before the summer break. He had changed quite a bit over the 8 weeks. His once pale skin had a golden tan to it and he didn’t have his geeky glasses perched on his nose; you could actually see his face... and darn did he look good!

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms, laughing he placed his arms around my back and swung me around in circles; making me feel dizzy. “ahhhh! Put me down I don’t feel too well.” I screamed. Alf stopped suddenly making us topple to the floor; my legs were straddling his waist. I stared into his green eyes. “I missed you” we both said at the same time making us laugh.

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