*20* Ice and Porcelain

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The rest of the day I flipped through the TV channels, since no one was here to entertain me. Honestly, I think I was supposed to be released already (which made me wonder if Daylon's theory of cell regeneration was true), but Vixen had texted me saying she would come and get me tomorrow—meaning she was catching up with Sage and Thayer...unless she was out with her apparent boyfriend.

Though Declan advised against it, I had finally talked to the commissioner who had questioned everything that happened. I told him the truth in regards to the Dagger situation; I was kidnapped, I was rescued, and even though the Cavalier tried saving Dagger, Dagger was dead by his own hand. I think that was the most important part though—that the great Cavalier hadn't actually killed. He had asked for me to confirm identities of all the heroes involved and I refused to affirm the obvious assumptions aside from Daylon's alter ego. I was thanked for my honesty and then he left. He was the last visitor I had and once my statement was made and his exit took the guarding officer with him.

So by now, it was near the closing visiting hours and I doubted anyone else would stop by. But it was long enough for me to slowly get up from the bed and limp myself across the room to the wheelchair. I wasn't meant for wheeling myself around, but hey, the sitting hid the large gap in the back of my gown, and I'd only be going down the hallway.

The journey twenty yards down the hallway to the room marked L. Turtle was enough for me to gain the upmost respect for anyone sentenced to life in a wheel chair. But once I got there (out of breath), I wheeled myself to the side of the bed, closest to the door, which had seats along the wall. I looked at her bed stand and noticed that there was a note folded into a triangle with writing on it.

"Leigh, once again the nurse kicked me out because visiting hours are almost over, but if you wake up before I'm there, just know that I knew you were strong enough to get well and I'll be there as soon as I can. –Mike."

"He's been camped out in here longer than anyone else; I don't even think her parents have stopped by yet," I heard a voice say and then I looked over to see one of the nurses who had checked on me earlier.

"Her mom travels a lot," I defended. "But Steele...he's a good friend."

"That's a lot of commitment and faith for just a friend," she commented with a light grin and I could only nod. "Visitor hours end in ten minutes and you need to get back to your room by then."

"I won't be long," I told her. She flashed me another kind smile and then evaded from the doorway. I rolled closer to Leighton and really looked at her.

The beautiful, pale girl was completely lifeless aside from the small movements due to her breaths. Where Daylon had smacked her with the wooden board was shown on half of her bruised face that was pulled together by two bandages that covered separate tracks of stitches. Dagger used her head as a bat in relation to his baseball swing of the board and it looked as though her cheekbone was cracked as if a golf ball penetrated a porcelain surface.

But still, in the washed out scenario, when her eyes fluttered open, her blue irises looked absolute white in comparison to everything else, rather than bluer.

"Hey," I whispered to her.

"Hi," she returned as she tried to roll her head over, but one feather of a touch from the pillow she hissed at the pain and her head returned to its previous position. She groaned, obviously not taking too well to being injured. She suddenly flipped the covers over—enough for me to see that a towel was laid down beneath her and the side of her gown was opened to reveal a block of ice surrounding her ribcage as she tried to lift her arm. I saw a shimmer of light spread from her fingers before a solid piece of ice was produced and she cupped her face in her hand to reposition it to face me.

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