*18* Danger

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"Daylon died," was the first thing that Declan revealed. I looked down at my sheets for the loss of a life, but also because Declan was the kind of guy to reveal the good news first...and if that was the good news, maybe I didn't want to hear the rest. Or maybe he said the hardest thing for himself first because he forged a sad laugh and lightly punched the end of the bed. "I tried to save him and he still died."

I squeezed his hand and he was able to understand the same thing that I had told him one night when he mourned the loss of Diana—his only victim. But I suppose now would be different because Daylon wasn't a victim or even an innocent.

Declan looked over at me seriously, now.

"Leighton's in the room down the hall with a pretty bad concussion and some bruised ribs," he said and just like before when I tried to sit up, he prevented me. I heard my heart monitor speed up and make me want to yank out the cords attached to me while I focused to calm down. I looked at Declan in some sort of anger.

"Why was she even there? I didn't even know she had powers. I didn't—"

"I don't know why she was there," Declan hissed. "And I don't know why she didn't tell you she had powers, but she showed up to save you and that's all that matters."

"All that matters?" I asked him incredulously. "I've known her for a couple of weeks and she's in that hospital bed because of me. It matters, Declan. She doesn't deserve that."

"No one deserves this," he agreed. "But Sutter told her not—"

"Sutter," I named and then I wanted to just about throw up at the possibility of his outcome. I briefly closed my eyes and saw the memories of what happened. I saw his body hurling towards the Earth to cause a man sized cavern in the ground. I saw his hood falling off and his identity as Boon faded away. It only confirmed my suspicions and comparisons that he was Sutter by all the recollections of how he acted protected over me and when he snuck around in and out of my room.

"Hey," Declan whispered and then wiped away a tear that escaped my eye. Unlike when I usually cried, this time it was understood. I had loved Sutter for years. Even though he tried to hate me for whatever reason, I still cared about him and had so many questions for him. I was in love with Declan now, but I still loved Sutter and felt more guilt and confusion than I could comprehend.

"Where is he?" I asked Declan.

"I don't know—"

"What do you mean you don't know?" I inquired. "He's your best friend—and apparently your sidekick. He was there. I saw him...I saw him pass out. Oh my God. Did he die? Declan, please don't tell me—"

"I don't know where he is or how he is," Declan said too calmly for my taste. I put my head against the top of my pillow as if inclining my chin would keep the tears in my eyes, but it was no match. "Trust me, I tried getting him here, but as soon as he woke up, he left before anyone could take him."

"How could you let him do that?" I said with my teeth gritting against each other. "He is your best friend. He was bleeding out of his stomach and taking more hits than he should've. He's—"

"You know how he is, Amery," Declan said. "He's stubborn and he didn't want his identity revealed, so he ditched, okay? He has his reasons, but he made me swear that he would explain this all to you himself and I want to honor that."

"And how am I supposed to sit here patiently for his explanation when he could be dead by now?" I asked, glaring at him. Declan sighed and his expression was softened, but we shared the silence. I didn't want to yell at him, rather than Sutter for all of this, but I couldn't control it. But thankfully Declan knew that for himself and didn't take it to heart. He only kissed my forehead in understanding as I continued to involuntarily cry. He ended up climbing into the bed to hold me and it made me feel safe and comfortable for the time being, but I didn't know how long it would last.


As soon as visitor hours started, I was awoken by Vixen nearly breaking down the door. She clung to me tighter than after Mom passed and tighter than when Dad and Sage were gone too. In the embrace, I looked over to the chairs to see Declan waking up to the commotion as he slept on the couch incorrectly. Vixen pulled away and studied me with her blue eyes.

"I love you," she told me first.

"I love you too," I returned.

"Then why—no, how are you in this situation without me knowing anything going on?" she asked me. I sighed and then prepared myself to explain everything that happened within the last year, even though the only thing she didn't know about was Cavalier. I decided to leave out Sutter's involvement, but it was still a lot. And while I explained this, Declan sat silently in the corner not saying a word as if trying to fake being asleep the whole time.

"When I said we were both adults and you could have anyone you want over, I didn't mean have superheroes over that could cause so much drama in your life, Am—"

"I'm sorry," Declan finally spoke after a long moment of silence. Vixen finally looked over her shoulder at him. "I'm sorry for dragging her into all of this—trust me, I've been apologizing to her for the longest time and I just don't have the right words anymore, but I am sorry."

Vixen didn't say anything. She had a completely unreadable expression towards him and I didn't know if she was contemplating her blessing or just being non-confrontational. But Declan sat up anyways and looked directly at her.

"I don't know if you can ever trust me with her, but I promise you, Vixen, that if she's still on board on giving us a chance to be together—especially starting over, I don't care how far into it we get because I'll still protect her the best that I can for the rest of my life," he added and then I felt a warm feeling spread through my body.

"Well you were right," Vixen said and then looked down at me. "He's definitely charming."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "So does that mean...?"

"It means you have my blessing to be with whoever makes you happy; I just...I can't lose you," she told me seriously. Then she looked back at Declan. "I'm sorry, but if this life is too dangerous for her, then I can't entirely be happy about that."

"Things are going to be different," Declan promised and yet again, I was wondering what he meant just as when Sage and Thayer hinted at whatever "new regulations" that were in store for metahumans.

"They better," Vixen emphasized. "I don't want something like the Explosion to take away another sister..." I heard her trail on and on in mourning Sage, but the only thing I could think about was the fact that Sage was alive and well and probably chilling in our house with Thayer—Vixen unknowing to the fact that she was even existing.

"Vixen," I named midway through whatever memory she had of almost losing Sage during one of her crazy teenage adventures. She stopped her forged laughter and looked over at me, even though Declan was watching me closely to see what I'd say next. "Can you go home for me?"

"What...?" she asked with absolute pain in her voice. Declan began shaking his head at me and I silenced him with a pressing look. Vixen looked between us as if something was going on, but was overall offended by my request.

"I just, I need you to go home and get me some clothes for when I get out of here and—"

I was trying to find any excuse for her to gohome and discover Sage and Thayer (hopefully) waiting there, but then the dooropened and the last person I thought would visit me was in the doorway.    

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