*13* Overlooked

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The next morning was hell for me. Somehow I had managed to get to sleep, but it wasn't very sound and like any restless night, I didn't exactly crave school attendance afterwards. But to put on a front like I had for the last year, I had to pretend like Declan's outcome wasn't as big of a deal as it really was. Sure, I could be sad like the rest of the school, but not blubbering for attention like Emma or too devastated to come to school like Kimber.

I was at my locker Wednesday morning taking deep breaths so I wouldn't turn out hyperventilating like Emma was over exaggerating in the courtyard I passed on my way here. When someone touched my shoulder, it startled me more than anything. But when I was met with blue eyes, I calmed down.

"Are you okay?" Steele asked me and I wondered just how bad of an actress I could've been if he could tell without any contact that something was wrong with me.

"Wh-why would you ask me that?" I tried to pass off.

"Leighton said you called her last night and when she called you back, something was wrong and you didn't want to talk to her," he explained. I gulped as he searched my eyes for answers.

"What, and she thinks I'll talk to you?" I asked, trying to seem mad enough to make a big deal over assumptions (even though they were correct) and scare him off.

"Amery..." he named in a soft voice, but then I realized I couldn't even try to be cruel to him. He suddenly reached out to grab my arm and pull me into a hug and in that exact moment, my eyes shut to prevent any tears from falling. Suddenly, he let go at the sound of the hall doors being opened and someone trying to prevent an entrance.

I looked over to see a specific pair of hazel eyes belonging to a beautiful man dressed in lose jeans and a hoodie as if he had a rough night and they were the only clothes he could find on short notice. I noticed Emma and her friends stand and break their protective circle to question the boy who was fighting his best friend's wishes of entering the hall.

"Dude, don't do this—" Sutter tried to reprimand, but it was too late. Our gazes were locked and with the upmost certainty Declan Thorne was walking swiftly towards me as Steele took a couple steps away from me. Declan stopped less than a foot from me in order to reach a rough hand up to my face and search my face as if I was the one who had scared a community into thinking I was dead because of some villain.

He looked as though he meant to say something, but refrained before pressing his lips to mine and I immediately began doubting this as reality. His lips moved softly against mine but still had a passionately aggressive feeling as if he was trying to convey every moment of affection he could within one kiss. Of course I kissed him back and felt nothing more than returned feelings. And even though I could imagine kissing him for the rest of my existence, when he pulled away I felt satisfied at the fact that he was even alive. He rested his forehead on mine and smiled in order to force a light chuckle. "I'm definitely still not sorry I fell for you."

"In that case, you're not forgiven," I returned and he stole another kiss, only this time it was brief enough for me to yearn for another embrace, but long enough to make me blush and remember that we were in a hallway full of exes and peers.

My eyes immediately went to Sutter, who was looking down. I think it hurt more to see him have to witness us than for Declan to listen to Emma's cry turn from grief to heartbreak once more as she ran out of the corridor.

"Don't worry about them," Declan whispered to me and caused me to look back up to him. Just like he normally did, he inched at my hand before finally grabbing it and lacing our fingers. "They either think I'm dangerous or think I'm an idiot—and they're right about both, but I don't care—"

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