Chapter 32

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When the twins and I emerged from the elevator, there was a sort of off set about the climate. Everything seemed the same...yet still different. It was an odd feeling.

"I can't wait to get out of this," Kristen trilled, shaking her rumpled dress.

"This way," Lily pointed down the hall as we followed behind.

Luckily the door was unlocked, so we just simply went in and got dressed.

"Much better than the clothes in my dresser," I laughed as the girls agreed.

As we made our way back to the elevator we heard loud stomping noises, coming from someone's shoes. We instantly ran behind the corner, ducking from view.

"What. The. Hell." Kristen's jaw dropped when she saw the men came rounding around the corner.

They were all dressed in the same black suits as the ones we've seen before. But this time there was a shorter male in the center, leading the men around. A shorter male that looked all too familiar...

"GET HIM," Lily growled, storming off into a sprint as she charged towards him.

Just as she was about to latch onto the shorter male, one of the taller ones reached his arms out and flung her back to the ground, sending her sliding across the smooth floors. The shorter male seemed unaware of what just happened, continuing to proceed to walk instead of bothering to look down.

"Crap," I huffed, quickly helping Lily up as she dusted herself off.

Kristen dared to go next, this time being successful. She used all her power and might to kick the rest of the men in the groin as they dropped to the ground. She grabbed the shorter male's dark glasses and flung them against the wall, shattering it to pieces.

"JACK?!" Lily shrieked.

"What did they do to you," Kristen whimpered. Jack looked off into the distance, avoiding all eye contact.

"What do you mean," he spoke in a monotone.

"This!" Kristen yelled, tugging at his black suit.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are," Jack shrugged. "Will you please just let me go, I have duties to do."

"What?!" I gasped in horror.

"What do you mean...duties..." Kristen asked slowly, her eyes widening.

"My duties... I work with the Capitol."

The end.

(So that was the end of this book, tear. There may or may not be a sequel to this, we'll see. But there will be a new book released soon called 'Blue'. You should check it out ;) )

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