Chapter 13

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The commotion in the cafeteria was silenced when my fork hit the ground, sending ringing pangs in all directions. Sammie awkwardly bent down to put it back on my tray. The twins looked over at me, and I made a nodding motion towards my table. Their eyes widened in shock when they saw Jimmy in my seat. He glanced up at me once more, crossing his legs over as if to say "I'm not going anywhere."

My eyes shrank to slits as I slammed my tray onto Jack's directing them to follow me. I stormed over to Jimmy and threw the chair out from under him. He fell to the floor in pain, me making it worse as I kicked him out of the way and sat down. I shoved his tray to the opposite end of the table as Jack cautiously placed mine in front of me, making sure not to touch Jimmy. Jason's eyes grew big, but he didn't say anything. Jack and Sammie quickly scurried to their table as all eyes shot at me. I ignored it and ate my dinner in silence, making eye contact with no one. Once Jimmy had gathered enough strength to move, he slowly got up on his knees and crawled to his table.

"Don't mess with me," I whispered as he limped off. Jason looked off in Jimmy's direction, quickly darting his eyes back to avoid a kick to the shins. I didn't plan to hurt Jason though, he didn't really do anything wrong.

"Your 'boyfriend' has a crush on my girl friend. Just saying." I stood up and slammed my chair into the wobbling table, throwing my tray away and storming off to the stairs. I decided that it wouldn't really be a good idea on taking the elevator after meals, I didn't want to lose my food.

When I got back to my room and changed into comfy pajamas, I examined my wrist once more. It was still pink, but not as bad as it was this morning. I noticed a red line on the back of my calf, about five inches long. I didn't think much of it, guessing that it was most likely from laser training.

Before I got settled for bed, I grabbed the pin that my mother had given me off the dresser and laid it next to the lamp on my nightstand, the spikes glistening in the dim light. I switched off the lamp and pulled the covers off me, my thoughts fading in the dark.

My eyes flew open when I heard the sound of knocking on my door. I looked around, the sunlight shining through the thin curtains. I quickly got dressed, splashing my face with water from the sink before I ran to open the door. No one was there. I was about to shut the door but a note on the ground caught my attention.

"It better not be from fucking Jimmy," I snarled, bending down to pick it up.


Sry bout Jimy, i shouldn't have let him sit in ur seat. He says he's gonna kill you be careful I guess. Uh. Bye.


"Holy shit, that spelling." I chuckled to myself, folding the note together and tossing it in the waste bin. I took a jog down the stairs, pumping myself up for today's training.

When I entered the training room, I bumped into a terrified Jimmy standing by himself in the corner, probably waiting for Jason or something.

"Oh sorry," I muttered, dashing off to the twins.

"Morning Cara!"

"You and Jimmy last night though!" Lily mimicked my actions, kicking the floor like how I did to him.

"Arg!" Kristen giggled, clutching her stomach as Jimmy had done when he fell.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, trying to see what was in the dark room before us.

"We're going to focus on non combat things today." Kristen twirled her hair around her finger.

"Aw yeah time to trap some bitches." Kristen smirked, staring over at Jimmy's direction.

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