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Many people say that high-school are the best years of your life. Are you kidding me?

This is my story and trust me this isn't like another one of John Hughes classic teen films you seen when you first discovered boys. The ones where the loner gets the girl or they all become great friends at the end of the film and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, John Hughes didn't direct my life and reality sucks.

I mean puberty and hormones aside, As teenagers we feel like every little thing is the end of the world like the anxiety you feel for no reason at all, the pressure to be beautiful and popular and the stress you're under to get into a good college that your parents are definitely forcing you to go to. Now can you imagine all that while being "fat", "unattractive" and an "unpopular" girl according to every person in my high-school. Ever since i was a little girl i always found a way to stand out even when i didn't want to. I'm not saying that other girls my age have it easy or that my problems are a lot worse than theirs. Not to be an asshole but, my feelings are the only ones that matter as mine are the only ones i can realistically feel.

August Hills is the name, and no i don't have a life threatening disease that will probably make you feel really bad for me for about a minute. This is the story how i survived high-school with the help of my two best friends Lily Roberts and Oscar Winters.
Lily is beautiful, smart and every guys dream girl. Oscar is caring, trustworthy, loyal and my gay bestfriend who i adore. We all have been friends for as long as i can remember.

I apologize for the horrible start to this story, when I'm finished this book I will be going back and editing parts of the story. Sorry for the cringe and if you continued to read after that then thank you.

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