"You know I'm not five years old, right?" I tease lazily as I rest my heavy head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck. Why is he so tall? He smells so good. My wolf was howling inside at the proximity of our mate.

"You do realize you're acting like you're five by clinging onto me, right?" He walked out of the bathroom and began moving to the door of my bedroom.

"I'm not clinging! I just don't want you to accidentally drop me, duh." I say with a bit of sass lacing my voice. The mansion was quiet as we entered the dimly lit hallway. I never would of thought I would be so relieved to be back here. I felt... safe.

"I could pick you up with my pinky and not drop you." He scoffs arrogantly as we descend the stairs and make our way over to the kitchen. I playfully roll my eyes at his words.

His sits me down on the island and moves over to the fridge. I shiver at the absence of his warmth. I looked down to find myself in a large black t-shirt, that must've been his because I've never seen it before. I hope I'm wearing shorts underneath this and I really hope it was Cipher who changed me. Speaking of which, I miss her so much.

"How's Cipher?" I ask as I watch him dig through the cabinets trying to find something. He gave me a small roll of the eyes, but I could help but laugh a little.

"She was the biggest pain in my ass when we got back. If I would've allowed it she'd probably be here making sure you don't move a muscle so you don't get hurt."

"She's sweet." I mentioned, he should be happy that his sister is willing to be so gracious and helpful. Family is something that I value so much. It's very close to my heart.

"Yeah," He grumbled as he pulled out a box of plain crackers. "She's too sweet, especially towards you." Wait... what?

"You can't seriously believe that your sister would ever make a move on me, right?" I giggle and watch as he shrugs his shoulders casually and begins to wash some fruit that he retrieved from the fridge.

"Until you started living here I never really talked to my sister. We're not that close, not the way we used to be."

I was shocked to say the least. I guess I never really thought too much about Ajax's relationship with his sister. I guess I just assumed all siblings were close because well... they're siblings. I was also shocked because he was beginning to open up to me a bit.

"What happened that caused you guys to not be so close?" I ask, I was feeling sympathetic towards him. It hurts to know that not everyone has a great relationship with their family.

"Octavia, there's a lot of things you don't know about Cipher and I. Our family is no where near as great as yours." He sighed heavily and turned around handing me some water and plate of fruit and crackers. "Eat lightly, just in case you feel sick later."

"How would you know if my family was great or not?" It was rude of him to just assume that I had a perfect family and that we didn't have struggles. I'll admit that we didn't have many and the majority of the struggles fell upon the eldest, Orion. They fell upon him because he was to be the next leader and most of our struggles were pack related.

"That's a story for another time, Octavia. I'm not just going to spill all of my dirty secrets to you in one night."

My eyebrows come together in frustration. "Well, why not? You brought me here against my will and put me in harms way multiple times!" I was practically seething. All I wanted was answers. Was that really too much to ask for?

"Enough Octavia!" He growled out loudly. I couldn't help but flinch and cover my face with my arm, scared that he might hurt me. I didn't really know what to expect anymore. I lower my arm after a few moments of silence to find him looking at me. For once his face wasn't expressionless, he looked hurt. He seemed disappointed as his ocean blue eyes took in my reaction.

Forcefully Mated to HimWhere stories live. Discover now