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Your POV

It's been a month. I haven't talked to him, or looked at him, or even been around him. I can notice that everyone knows at this point, I'm not myself anymore.
I can't believe this happened, the man of my dreams, the man i love, cheated on me...

Every time i hear his name my heart raises a little bit, expecting to see him walk in but it doesn't happen. Even if it did happen, i would walk away being afraid of what could happen.
I don't think i could take it.

General POV

You were sitting on your bed listening to music, really loud music and even if it was R&B it was still very loud. You needed to just focus on the music and forget everything else just for a moment.

"Can you keep it down a little bit?" You heard Tony knock on your door.

"Yah" you mumbled and put on your headphones and turning up the music again.

Before you could settle down into your bed, someone walked in your room.
"Are you deaf?!" Steve said.

"I had headphones on" you replied and got up "What's up?"

"Let's go!" He looked annoyed.

You walked next to him towards the meeting that the rest of the avengers were having.
"Sorry" you said and looked down as you walked in the room.

"Alright let's start" Tony clapped his hands together and pointed at the screen in front of you "This mission may be a little easier compared to what we have done before"

"Is it though?" Sam asked "i mean sometimes it's too easy"

"He's right, maybe it's a trap" Steve mumbled "Alright we're gonna send out someone to check if it's safe territory"

"You can't go, you're too noticeable" Clint said "Maybe Wanda and i"

"Does anyone else wanna go? Y/N?" Tony asked making snap out of your thoughts.

"What?" You looked up at him.

"Are you gonna go?" Steve asked.

"Go where?" You didn't heard anything. How embarrassing.

"Did you payed any attention?" Tony was about to give you a lecture but Bucky speaked up.

"I'll go" He said, you just looked down trying not to die from the embarrassment.

"So it's gonna be Clint, Wanda and Bucky" Natasha said "Three is the perfect number"

"Yeah" Steve sighed and looked at you "Pay attention next time"

"Sure. Sorry" you smiled and looked back down.

Everyone left the room and you stood up to go back to your room but Steve grabbed your arm.
"Y/N what's with you these days? You barely breath" he looked concerned "you look practically dead"

"I've been tired" you lied and tried to fake a smile.

"How are you tired? You're on your bedroom the entire day and night" he said.

"Yeah you're right i sleep a lot but you know... uh..."you couldn't lie to him but you had to.

"Do you sleep?" Steve looked at you in the eyes "Don't lie to me Y/N"

"I haven't slept well lately but I'm fine!" You were not believable at all.

"How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" He asked.

"Two" you mumbled.

"Y/N! You have to tell me what's going on!"

"Nothing! I'm just getting used to the new bed you know, moving is always stressful" you started rambling "It's just gonna take time, I'm fine Steve"

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