Masks and Dancing 🎭💃🏻🕺🏻

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When they got to the Winter Palace Melava walked around helping the Inquisitor get information and she also made sure everyone was comfortable she knew she wasn't she didn't like wearing dresses but the looks on her friends faces seeing how happy ...

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When they got to the Winter Palace Melava walked around helping the Inquisitor get information and she also made sure everyone was comfortable she knew she wasn't she didn't like wearing dresses but the looks on her friends faces seeing how happy they were that she was TRYING for their sake to "play along" Josephine actually took the time off from her constant working to make her the dress she wore, Dorian and Solas spent the past few weeks before hand teaching her how to dance they all put an effort into all of this so why shouldn't she?! the thing that made her the happiest was seeing Cole's expression.... Dorian, Solas and Cullen all told her that she looked beautiful and she knew they meant it but the fact that she could make a spirit speechless....

She could tell that Cole was nervous and confused with so many people and so much going on she thought she would try to take HIS mind off of and out of other people.... if only for a little bit.... his eyes widened and his mouth opened as though he didn't recognize her at first and was at a loss for words when he figured it out she held out her hand and he took it tilting his head curiously instead of her usual flick of the hat she took it completely off his head and sat it on the table in the library where he was hiding "dance with me!"  she says softly "I... I don't.... I can't!"  he replies nervously she smiles at him and says "just pay attention to me"  she places a finger on the side of his chin and turns his head toward her and says ".... and only me.... and you'll be fine!.... Cole.... please.... try!"  he nods and takes a long step closer to her she wraps his arm around her waist and places her hand on his shoulder and leads them into a slow and steady dance "besides Dori and Sol spent all that time teaching me.... I think I should at least try to put those lessons to good use!.... and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with right now than you!"  she teases then she looks up into his once again widened eyes and smiles softly "Lava!"  he whispers and she chuckles softly at the fact he used her nickname "yes Cole!?!"  she asks "I.... I want... that is.... I....!"  he says nervously she stretches up onto her tippy toes and kisses his lips gently then she flattens her feet once more...

It was a short kiss but it was what he wanted he didn't know how she knew or even why he wanted it so badly maybe because it's what she wanted he was there hiding in the shadows.... listening.... when she told Solas how she felt no one could see, hear or feel his presence not even her he was surprised when she said that she didn't want to use him just to make herself happy.... that's it!.... "I want to make you happy!.... I want you to love me!"  Cole whispers out loud..... mostly to himself he sees her eyes widen in surprise and realizes that he said it out loud "love me!"  he whispers softly "please!.... don't be afraid!.... you won't hurt me!.... if it will make you happy.... then love me!"  he says with a almost begging tone she looks down and says sadly "no Cole!"  he looks at her with sad eyes "why!?!"  he asks "because love should be felt by two people.... it's a shared and complicated emotion.... and....!"  she replies he leans down and kisses her his lips press down hard upon hers as it becomes more sensual her eyes close softly at the feeling of his lips pressed against hers he feels her heartbeat quicken when he let's go he grins happily "you're happy!"  he says in an excited tone she gives him a small smile "when I'm with you Cole.... I'm always happy.... YOU make me happy!.... and I don't NEED to....!"  she says and he replies "I want you too!"  he doesn't get to finish because the Inquisitor finds them and asks for their help they stop dancing and rush off to help her

Demon Spirit Solas ColeWhere stories live. Discover now