Chapter 10

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Elliott and Kali went over to ET's machine to see if it was still working, when suddenly they slowly looked up to see a bright light. "Home" ET said while his heart started glowing. Soon a huge spaceship landed right in front of the gang, they where in awestruck.  

The kids families soon arrived on the scene. The other kids came to say their goodbyes to the extra terrestrial. 

"ET, we came to say goodbye" Ann started to cry, trying her best to hold back tears. When ET gently wiped Ann's tears away. 

"Here's something to remember us by?" Brock said, giving ET a earth rock with Kali, Brock, and Ann's names written on it. "Thank you" ET said.

Kali soon turned her head to see her dad approach. ET tilted his head for a moment but soon recognized this familiar face. 

"Wally?" ET said, (which was Walter's nickname as a child). 

"It's been a long time old friend" Walter smiled while he patted the alien on the head. ET smiled back, really glad to see his old friend again.

Kali and Elliott were the last to say their goodbyes, as they came over to the alien. "Come?" ET asked them. 

The two ten-year-old's had tears rolling down their cheeks while they shook their heads no. "I'm sorry, we can't" Kali said.

"Stay" Elliott told the alien.

The kids soon hugged the alien in a heartbreaking but nice and long embrace, which made everyone else seem emotional. ET's finger then glowed and he pointed it to Elliott's forehead. 

"I'll be right here" ET told Elliott and Kali.

"Goodbye" the kids said while ET walked into the spaceship. The alien looked at them one last time as hatch-door closed.

Everyone watched as the spaceship took off, leaving a rainbow in the sky. It was the most beautiful site ever, even better then something you'd see in a Disney movie. 

"Just wait till Teeders hears about this" Kali said, while watching the sky.

"Well what an adventure this has been" Jane looked to her kids while placing her arm around Brock's shoulder. 

"I wonder if our next adventure will involve pirate treasure and sunken ships" Ann commented. 

"Oh please, the next thing you're gonna tell me is that i'll have to save the world from little green monsters that multiple when you pour water on them. And mysteriously look like an evil Yoda" Kali said. 

"You never know" Walter smirked and winked at his adventurous daughter while he ruffled up her hair.

Kali and Elliott did manage to stay in contact with ET thanks to the alien's device, knowing that they would indeed one day see ET again.


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