Chapter 2

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The next morning Elliott and Kali met up with each other at his house. 

"I saw the strangest thing last night" Kali gasped. "I saw it to" Elliott replied. 

After the kids explained to each other about their encounters last night, they went out on their bikes into the forest and started putting candy out to see if they could lure the creature out of hiding. 

"This is the direction I saw the thing that looked like a spaceship went" replied Kali. 

The kids continued tossing out more candy. Just as they came around a tree they noticed a strange man in a suit looking around as well. The kids gasped and quickly hid behind the tree. 

"Who do you think he is?" Elliott whispered. 

"Definitely a government agent, or scientist or something? But i'll bet he's looking for the same creature we are" replied Kali. 

"That can't be good" said Elliott. "Come on let's get out of here" Kali whispered. The kids quickly got back on their bikes and headed home. 

That night Kali was at the dinner table with her family. 

"Hey dad do you ever think there's other life out there?" Kali asked while playing with her food. 

"What are you talking about?" asked Walter. 

"Well last night I saw something really strange out in the woods-" said Kali. 

"Oh i'm sure it was just a raccoon or something" replied Jane. 

"I don't think so, it looked more like an alien or something" said Kali. 

The rest of Kali's family clearly didn't believe her. After dinner Kali went up to her room sighing while looking out the window up at the stars. 

Later that night while everyone was asleep Kali got her coat on along with her gear and supplies and headed over to Elliott's house. "I got the stuff" Kali whispered when she arrived in the backyard. The kids sat outside waiting for the creature to hopefully return. The kids grew bored and started to fall asleep until they suddenly shot up awake as they heard the strange noises again. They looked over by the tool shed and saw the same creature from before slowly approaching them. The kids tried to scream out for help, but they were to petrified to speak or move. As the creature drew closer, the two ten-year-olds noticed it handed out the candy to them that they put in the woods earlier. 

"No way, do you know what this means" whispered Elliott. "I guess we're gonna have to sneak him inside" said Kali. 

The kids quietly manged to lure the creature inside the house by leaving a trail of candy for it to follow. Elliott closed the door after they got the creature into his room. The kids and creature stared at each other for minutes in amazement. 

"This is totally unreal" said Kali, as she made direct eye contact with the creature. 

Elliott started rubbing his nose and the creature copied him. Soon the creature started imitating all of the kids moments. 

"What do we do with it?" Kali asked. "We can't tell my mom" said Elliott. 

"We're gonna have to hide it in your room, until we can figure something out" replied Kali. 

Kali had a feeling if they weren't careful, government agents would track them down and soon find the creature. 

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