Chapter 7

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The next afternoon Kali and her siblings were getting dressed up for Halloween. Kali was going as a zombie while Brock and Ann were going as Bonnie and Clyde. But the twins wouldn't stop asking all these questions, begging their older sister to tell them what's been happening at Elliott's house the last few days. 

"Come on Kali tell us. I'll give you half of my Halloween candy" said Brock. 

"Stop it, you're messing up my makeup!" Kali barked. "Please" the twins begged. 

"Okay fine, but you have to promise not to tell a living soul" Kali sighed while opening the garage door and getting out her bike. 

"Why do you need your bike?" asked Ann. 

"Would you shut up! I told Elliott we'd meet on the hill" Kali was getting annoyed with her younger sibling's constant questions. 

It was still light out when Kali and the twins headed out, walking through the neighborhood as a few trick-or-treaters walked by. Kali and her siblings soon met up with Elliott and Micheal at the far end of the street. Kali and the twins saw that ET was wearing a ghost costume, in order to hide himself. Plus he was wearing big clown shoes to hide his feet.

"That's your alien?" Brock asked while trying to hide a snicker. 

"First of all don't lift up the sheet. And whatever you do.. don't freak out" Kali told the twins with an annoyed yet serious look on her face. 

After what their sister specifically told them not to do, out of curiosity the twins lifted the ghost sheet off just a little to get a peek at ET. They were about to scream at the sight of the alien, when Kali slapped both their hands making them let go of the sheet, grabbing both twins by the ears and clamping their mouths shut. Since they didn't want ET to get caught out in the open. 

"What did I tell you!" Kali growled, very annoyed with her over curious younger siblings. 

The group continued walking through the streets together, the only other interference was when they came across a kid dressed up in a Yoda costume and ET thought it was one of his kind. The gang later arrived on the hill where Gertie was waiting for them. Elliott finally took ET's costume off, revealing the alien to the twins. Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened, completely speechless.

"Yeah I had the exact same reaction" Kali told her siblings sarcastically. 

ET turned his head to the side, looking curiously at the twins. 

"ET i'd like you to meet Brock and Ann" Kali introduced the alien to her siblings. 

"Uh hi" Ann waved to the alien. "What up" Brock tried to sound cool. Kali rolled her eyes. 

Micheal helped place ET into the basket on Elliott's bike, while Kali would carry ET's communication device in her backpack.

"Be back one hour after sunset" Micheal told Elliott. 

"We'll try as fast as we can" Elliott told Micheal. 

"Cover for us, we shouldn't be long. And remember to save me some candy, or else" Kali threatened her siblings. 

Kali and Elliott soon took off on their bikes into the forest with ET, to contact his family. They traveled a few miles but soon stopped, cause the rest of the way was a steep downhill. 

"It's too bumpy" said Elliott. 

"We'll have to walk from- HERE!" Kali said before she yelped. The kids were still on their bikes when they got pulled down the slope. They started to panic.

"ET!" Elliott shouted.  

The kids were scared, but just when they went off the cliff ledge, somehow ET made the bikes fly into the sky. 

"We're flying!" Kali couldn't believe it. "Not so high!" Elliott told ET, still a little panicked.  

The kids were filled with amazement as they were flying on their bikes across the forest and past the full moon. It was like something out of a dream, you couldn't possibly describe. They soon landed in a open field and quickly set up ET's communication machine. They waited until the wind started blowing, soon the machine was processing.

"ET it's working!" Kali and Elliott cheered. "Home, home" said ET.

They waited for a few minutes, until they realized they had to get back home before their families started to worry. But ET refused to leave. 

"We have to go home now ET" Elliott told the alien before he started coughing. 

"You sound like you're getting sick" Kali said to Elliott in concern. 

"I'm fine" Elliott said, denying Kali's claim. 

Kali was getting extremely worried for ET's health, just by the way he was breathing. Elliott seemed to feel a connection with ET, as he was also showing signs of being sick. Kali also felt she was getting sick too. 

"You could be happy here. We could take care of you, we wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together ET" Elliott told the alien. But ET still refused to leave the forest. 

"Give them some time" Kali told ET as she placed her hand on the alien's shoulder for comfort. 

The kids waited with ET for a few more minutes, when they started to doze off and soon fell asleep.

Kali meets E.T.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum