Chapter 1

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Kali had been studying a ton about the universe and extra-terrestrial beings in school lately, however she did wonder if there was actually life beyond the known universe. And if aliens would actually come and invade earth, like in the movies she saw. 

One night Kali was doing her science homework on aliens until something caught her attention outside. She looked outside her window and saw a strange glowing object that looked like a spaceship. 

"I must be seeing things, man I've gotta get more sleep" Kali thought to herself. 

Kali decided to go and visit her friend Elliott to take her mind off things. While Kali walked on over to Elliott's house in the dark she saw the strange object in the sky again. "That's weird", Kali said out loud. 

Just as Kali arrived at Elliott's house, Elliott had just come back outside after getting pizza for his brother Micheal and his friends. 

"Hi Elliot", Kali greeted. "Hey", Elliot replied with a sigh. "What's wrong?" asked Kali. 

"It's just I've been lonely, mom's busy with Gertie and Micheal and his friends won't even let me play with them, no one understands me" replied Elliott. 

"I know how you feel" said Kali. 

"I just wish I had a friend, besides you of course" said Elliott. 

"Me too, come on let's get inside" said Kali. 

As the kids headed up the driveway and near the house they started hearing strange noises coming from the backyard. "Harvey is that you boy?" Elliott called out to his dog, but there was no response. The kids grew curious and decided to investigate what was going on in the backyard. The kids eventually came over to the tool shed noticing the light was on and heard the noises continue. "Okay now this is getting creepy" said Kali. 

Elliott decided to throw his ball in the shed to see if anything was inside. To the kids surprise someone threw the ball back out. Elliot was so shocked he ran back inside. "Elliot wait!", Kali called as she quickly followed before she glanced at the shed wanting to know who or what was in there. 

The kids came running back inside panicked. "Mom mom there's something out there, it's in the tool shed!", Elliott said nearly out of breath. But Elliott's mother didn't seem to understand why Elliott was so freaked out. "It's true I saw it too", Kali added. 

Micheal and his friends got interested and immediately went outside to the tool shed followed by Kali, Elliott and his mom. "I don't see anything" replied Greg. "Hey look at this" said Steve. Everyone looked down near the tool shed and noticed some weird footprints in the dirt. "Coyotes coming back again mom" replied Micheal. "Okay party's over everyone back inside" said Mary. "But mom it was real, I swear" said Elliott. After everyone went back inside the house, it was time for Kali to be heading home.

Later that night Kali couldn't sleep. Getting the thoughts out of her head of what happend earlier. Kali got her coat and backpack on and decided to go outside and investigate. She went back near Elliott's house and started looking around. "Okay you thing, where are you?" Kali thought to herself. 

Kali started walking through the tall grass and noticed the weird footprints again. Kali kept looking around with her flashlight when suddenly after passing through some tall grass, Kali came face to face with a strange creature what looked like to be an alien. The creature started making this strange sound like it was screaming. Kali started to scream as she fell backwards knocking over her flashlight, causing the creature to fled.

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