Chapter 9

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"ET DON'T GO!!!" Kali was woken up by Elliott's screaming, and loud alarms going off. She bolted up and looked over at ET. 

"HE'S GOT NO BLOOD PRESSURE! HE'S GOT NO PULSE OR RESPIRATION!" doctors came rushing in. "It doesn't look like he's breathing!" another one said about ET. 

They quickly moved the kids out of the room, away from ET, while Elliott kept screaming at the top of his lungs "Leave him alone! You're killing him!". Elliott and Kali watched helplessly with their families while the doctors tried everything to revive ET. But Kali seemed to know it was already to late, ET appeared to be dead. And Kali's connection with him was completely gone. Kali then felt someone's hand on her shoulder, she turned around to see that it was her dad. They held onto each other for comfort while everyone cried.

Hours later, Kali watched as the doctors got ET ready for transport when her father came up to her. "I've seen this happen before. It was right before..." Walter paused and decided not to continue. Which left Kali to wonder what her father meant before he left the room. 

The doctors soon brought in a container. "They're gonna have to take him away now" Keys told the kids. 

"Yeah and by that you mean they're gonna cut him all up and experiment on him" Kali sulked. 

"Would you two like to spend some time alone with him?" Keys asked softly. The kids only nodded slightly, and their families left to wait in another room.

The kids came over to the container that ET was placed in. They both stood their in silence before Kali lost it and got down on her knees in front of the container weeping. "ET, i'm so sorry" she said to the lifeless extra terrestrial being.

"He must be dead, cause... I don't know how to feel" Elliott said. "I can't feel anything anymore" Kali added, since their connection with ET had faded.

"You were the bestest friend we've ever had. We'll think about you everyday" Kali continued to weep while she stared at the lifeless ET. 

"ET, we love you" Elliott whispered before he and Kali closed the container and started to leave the room. Just before they left, the kids noticed some flowers were coming back to life. They gasped, knowing this could only mean one thing.

"Oh my gosh!" Kali and Elliott looked at each other then rushed back over to the container and opened it. "ET?" Kali said hopefully, holding her breath. 

"ET phone home" the alien opened his eyes and looked at the kids. The kids cheered with joy that ET was alive, it was a miracle. They then noticed ET's heart was glowing. 

"Does this mean they're coming?" Elliott asked ET, referring to his family. "Yes" the alien replied. This caused the kids to scream, a little panicked knowing what this meant. 

"ET phone home! ET phone home!" ET continued saying. "Will you shut up!" Elliott placed his hand over ET's mouth, but the alien continued talking. 

"ET be quiet!" Kali hissed, before they noticed the doctors were coming back. The kids quickly put a blanket over ET's chest to hide his glowing heart, then closed the container and pretended to cry. Keys took the kids out of the room, Kali soon rushed off to find her dad. 

"Mom where's dad?!" Kali asked frantically when she ran into her mom and the twins. 

"I don't know, he just left" Jane replied. 

"Well tell him I have to speak to him, it's important!" Kali said, before she dashed out of the room without leaving an explanation what was going on, which worried Jane. 

Minutes later, Gertie came into the room where Mary was talking with Keys, along with Jane and the twins. "Are they gone mama?" Gertie asked Mary. "Who's gone?" Mary and Jane questioned. 

"The boys. I'm suppose to give you this note when they're gone" Gertie told them. Mary and Jane read the note, "Oh my gosh!" they quickly realized what this meant. 

The twins took a quick look at the note. "WHAT! Kali left without us again! that's messed up!" the twins were upset. They hated it when their big sister went off on dangerous adventures without them. 

Meanwhile Kali and Elliott got their jackets and headed outside to the van that ET had been loaded into, Michael was up front driving. Some of the government agents got suspicious and started to surround the van. "There are people out here what do I do!" Michael asked, sounding panicked.

"Well what are you waiting for LeBron James?" Kali asked sarcastically before she and Elliott shouted at Michael "LET'S GO!". Michael started up the van and they took off just before he told his friends "Get the bikes, meet us at the playground at the top of the hill!", before they continued to drive off down the road.

"Where's the playground!" Michael asked Elliott. 

"It's near the preschool" Elliott replied. "Where's that?" Michael asked while yelling. 

"How should we know, we're not the ones driving!" Kali yelled. 

Thankfully though after driving around for a few minutes they did find the playground, where Michael's friends were waiting with the bikes. They were astonished when they saw ET.

"He's an alien from outer-space and we're taking him to his spaceship" Elliott told Michael's friends. 

"Well can't he just beam up?" asked Greg. 

"This is reality, Greg" Kali deadpanned. 

The kids got on their bikes and took off, while ET rode in the basket on Elliott's bike. "Where are we going?" Greg asked. "To the forest, follow me!" Elliott shouted to the gang, while they were soon being chased by a swarm of police cars. The gang went down some dirt hills and all other sorts of shortcuts, trying to evade the police. 

"They're gaining on us!" Kali looked over her shoulder for a second. Just then the gang spotted a garbage truck driving by up ahead, they passed it just in time nearly getting hit. Kali got a glimpse at who was driving the garbage truck, "DAD!?" she was shocked and a bit confused. Walter drove the garbage truck and stopped it right in the middle of the pathway, blocking the police from following the kids. But that's not all, Kali looked back and saw a few more police cars had their tires slashed and others blown out. She also noticed some police cars were going off in a different direction, being sent the wrong way. Kali smiled back, feeling grateful that her dad had helped out in their escape. "Thanks Dad!" She called out to him and waved. Walter smiled and waved back as the kids continued down the road.

ET started bouncing up and down in the basket. "Hang on ET!" Elliott told the alien. The kids looked back seeing no more police cars chasing after them, thinking they were home free.

"We made it!" said Tyler, just before a mob of government agents nearly jumped them from behind. The gang spotted a police roadblock straight ahead, they were shocked to see that they had guns. Fearing that the government agents were gonna shoot them, Elliott closed his eyes. 

When suddenly, ET used his telekinesis powers to make the bikes fly, like before. Michael and his friends were speechless as the gang flew on their bikes over the town, seeing everything. 

"Tell me when it's over!" Greg shouted, while he had his eyes closed. 

The gang continued flying past the beautiful sunset. "I've never felt more alive!" Kali thought before she took a quick selfie to send to all her friends (and maybe to also make them a little jealous *wink *wink). 

The gang soon landed in the forest, with their bikes all lined up.

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