"No, it's okay sweetheart. I'll carry him." Magnus got out the car, attempting a smile without showing the fear in his eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?" She jumped out, making a soft thump as she landed on the concrete. "I'm a lot smarter than I look.. And I've spent a lot of time in hospital too.. My friend died of cancer, I met her friends.. One had what you got, but she's alright now! So I bet you will be too." She hurried round the car, taking Zac from the car before Magnus had a chance to intervene.

"That's very sweet of you, Staria.." He didn't want to mention this was his second time and very few warlocks survived or had eternity to live afterwards. Perhaps about 30 years if they were lucky. "Maybe I will pull through... After all, I've got a lot more to live for don't I?" He smiled at her and stroked her hair briefly. "I can't leave my lovely children, now, can I?"

Staria giggled and grinned widely, touched. She skipped inside and went straight to the living room to continue her doodlings while Magnus slowly made his way up the stairs to the bedroom, dreading every step he took. Alec was murmuring to himself, fists clenching and un-clenching impatiently. "Alec?" Magnus came in, sounding awfully apologetic. "I'm sor-" but he was cut short.

Alec reacted without thinking, he spun round on the ball of his feet and punched Magnus spot on the nose with enough force for Magnus to release his crutch and collapse to the ground. His nose began bleeding and his hand flew straight up to pinch it. Alec was breathing heavily, satisfied that he got his anger out but that soon turned to dread when he realised what he'd just done. "Magnus....? Raziel I'm so.. So sorry! I-I didn't mean to punch you!"

Magnus' eyes were wide in fear, staring up at Alec in surprise. He wanted to slap him back, but he couldn't get up on his own. Alec's eyes had turned into large black saucers, full of panic and apology, but Magnus wasn't accepting it. While Alec looked like an upset kitten, Magnus glared at him, pupils thin like a cat under bright light. "Why, Alec?" Magnus' voice broke, he could never stay angry, "why? I said I was sorry, do you know how much I regret it? It wasn't exactly on purpose, at the current time my life couldn't be better."

Alec said nothing.

"You never get mad at me.. And if you do.. You never really use violence, do you? Not on those you care about, we're too precious to you. We have kids downstairs, Staria heard every word in the car. Maybe she's listening to us now.. Do you care? About them? About your family? About everything we've all given you? ... About me?"

Alec still kept silent, tears starting to fill his eyes.

"Okay.. I see how it is.. You can leave now if you want. I'll find a way to get up myself." Magnus started crying silently, tears starting to trail down his cheeks. Alec could only wish he could turn them into tears of joy. "Go on. Shoo." He made a move to get up but groaned in pain and just lay back down.

Alec shook his head. "There's another reason you're stupid... You keep not believing I'll never leave you." Alec walked over to Magnus and picked him up, cradling him in his arms. "I love you... And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have hit you. Yes I care about you, about the kids, the family, everything and everyone! You know I never take things for granted."

Magnus sighed in relief, turning his face and burying it in Alec's chest, breathing in his scent. "That's all I needed... Just to hear you say it.. I love you too, Alec.." He looped his arms round his neck and tugged, just wanting a kiss.

Alec happily complied, leaning down and kissing Magnus on the lips gently, only briefly. That's all they really needed... As if their argument never happened, all was resolved, no more fighting over the topic for now. Now was the time for comforting each other, helping each other to keep going until either Magnus got better or the time came. Though Alec would never leave his side.

He made a promise. A vow. To never leave him, no matter what happened.


...did I make it any better?


Well, this is the end of this book! But the beginning of many :D but I want you guys to decide which one!

There iiiiiis (currently) :

A Very Malec Wedding

Making Alec Immortal


Unexpected Arrivals

PICK ONE!!!!! And if you guys happen to be Black Butler fans, I'm writing a Sebaciel fan fiction! So check that out!

If you don't know what Black Butler is, I definitely recommend it to you guys! It's not yaoi, sadly, but still amazing! (Dem feels ;-;)

See ya later! ~ Fiz

P.S during the fight, were you team Magnus or team Alec? ;D

Happy Birthday Alec (Malec fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon