Chapter 7

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When the morning rolled around, Alec woke up alone. It took him a while to actually notice; he sat up and looked at his bed side clock, 8:30. Not too early, but not late either. There was a note next to it with his name on it, written in Magnus' handwriting. "Magnus?" He looked over his shoulder and noticed he was gone, filling his heart with dread.


I know you're silly enough to not remember what happened last night as soon as you woke up so this is a little reminder. I left at dawn to get rid of that demon roaming around our precious daughter's head. Back around 10! Xxxxxxx

Oh yeah. Alec mentally face palmed and got out of bed, stretching. He never really had been a morning persons since he got back with Magnus, slowly getting up later and later until morning became afternoon and afternoon became evening. It was a difference to waking up at 6am everyday, showering and going straight to the training room with Jace until they got hungry and went back down for breakfast.

A squeal came from down the corridor. Leaving the bedroom, Alec yawned, looking like some sort of college student who woke up too late and missed their lecture but either didn't care or notice. His hair was tousled and stuck out in every direction like a firework; his pyjamas were all crinkled and his eyes were just about half open.

The squeal turned out to be Staria tickling Zac in his room, playing together. "Hey you guys, you're both up early." Alec smiled at them, pleased that they're getting along well already.

"Dada!" Zac grinned widely and reached his arms up wanting to be picked up.

"I had to always wake up at 7, otherwise I'd miss breakfast. Not that I had it very often anyway.." She looked up at Alec, as if this were a normal thing for an average eight year old to say.

"Oh sweetie, that's terrible! You ate all your other meals though?" Alec asked, wandering over to pick Zac out from his cot, cradling him.

She shook her head. "Well, sometimes. It really varied." She shrugged and Alec frowned.

"We gotta talk about that at some point, that okay?" He held his hand out for her to take, planning on going downstairs and absolutely stuffing her face with extremely fatty foods. "I want to know what is was like until we got you, you know.. How you lived day in day out. Though I assure you that living here is far better." He grinned.

"That's fine! And I know it will, papa is absolutely crazy and you're really nice." Staria took the hand and squeezed, smiling.

Downstairs, Zac was placed in a high chair while Staria sat on a stool at the island. "So what would you guys like? I can make pancakes, toast, yogurts and fruit if you want to be boring, um... Cereal if you really want... Something really unhealthy mainly. I can make it appear if you request it."

"TOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAASSSTT!!!!!!!" Zac screamed, clapping and giggling.

Alec had no time to cover his ears so he just stared at the one year old, wondering how on earth he could make such a racket and how often it would happen. Hoping never again was a possibility.. "Pancakes? Never had those." Staria suggested, leaning her head in her hands.

"You never what?!" Alec gaped, giving her a strange look. He flicked his hair back in a gay manner and pouted, "guuuuuurl, I'm making you some pancakes and yo are gonna enjoy them whether ya like it or not! Mmmkay?" Staria burst out laughing, " whatcho laughin' at? Guuuurl I'm tryin' to prove a serious point and all ya do is laugh at me! Mnnmm. No. Nobody laughs at dis gay man, noooo one! Ya got dat?" Tears flowed down her cheeks, unable to stop laughing so Alec just joined in.


After breakfast, Alec had done the washing up, everyone went outside to play on the equipment. There was a slide; swings, monkey bars, sandpit.. It was like a park but in their garden. Alec never noticed it last night, he was confined to the living room as soon he arrived; and when he was able to wander-which he didn't do anyway- it was too dark to see anything. He was almost jealous, shadowhunter children had such different upbringings compared to all other races.. Though maybe they thought the same, maybe some people prefer weapons and books to running around and playing.

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