Chapter 4

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With Staria lying down on the backseats, Magnus and Alec sat up front; Alec, finally allowed, was driving. Magnus beside him in the passenger seat, Zac sat on his lap, fiddling with loose strands of Magnus' glitter denim jeans. They were meant to be ragged anyway, so he was either improving his jeans, or simply making no changes at all.

Though he had promised Alec no glitter over their honeymoon, he did bring the glitter top on their last trip. Then of course, Alec-sneaky devil- bought him some trousers to match. Next thing, shoes! Jewellery? The ring was enough to make him happy. Trust Isabelle and Tessa.

They did plan a marvellous wedding though, in just two weeks was pretty impressive. Outfits, reception, the guests, someone actually willing to be the priest, the ring- with a bit of help from Alec- and of course, the cake! What good is a wedding without the cake or after party food? People would leave with growling stomachs and not dance or drink. What a wedding to remember that would be.

"Magnus." Alec said, waving a hand in front of his face.

He jumped slightly as his thoughts were broken through. "Yes?" He looked at him.

"You alright? I've said your name five times."

"Fine, just thinking about the past couple weeks."

"Well, we're here and Staria just woke up. Lets go."

"Uhm, glamor first maybe? Bit weird if a gay couple with two small children all with cat eyes, one that looks solid blue, the other ruby red and green hair?"

Alec sighed and quickly put a glamor over everyone. "I wonder what I look like...." Staria questioned herself quietly.

"Beautiful." Magnus answered for her, making her blush furiously and giggle.

"Stop flirting with your daughter!" Alec hit his arm playfully, "what about me?"

"Yeah, what about daddy!" Staria laughed at them.

Magnus stuck his tongue out and climbed out the car, forcing Zac awake at the same time who seemingly tried to escape his grasp but just wanted to hug him and go back to sleep. Clearly Magnus was comfier than the cot he had been sleeping on the past year. Wait.... past year? Magnus frowned and went to the boot of the car, looking at what Zac had. "Hey, Alec?" he asked.

"Yeah?" he replied, standing behind him, leaning his chin on his shoulder.

"Remember a couple weeks ago you said by baby you thought I meant one and under?"

"Yes...? What are you trying to say?"

"It would seem, that dumb b-witch, lied to us."


"Zac is 11 months old. Look," he pointed at the things in the boot, "under ones."

Alec paled slightly and sighed. Staria got out and gave him a quizzical look, oblivious to the situation. He saw her and smiled, walking over quietly, turning her round and starting to walk to the front entrance.

They both hated Walmart, they rarely came since they usually used magic to get their food but this time they had no clue what to buy.

Well, Magnus had a small idea since he bothered to listen to the bitch, whereas Alec just stood there and nodded. Hopefully he at least understood Staria's anxiety, or else they were in trouble if something happened. "How is that even possible, Magnus?" Alec asked from inside, "he was in the two year old section!"

"Alec I don't understand either, don't worry, alright?" he held Zac at his hip, "now cheer up birthday boy!" He put a hand on his shoulder but Alec flinched away.

Happy Birthday Alec (Malec fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن