Kit warily eyed the steaming porridge that was sitting in front of him. It looked edible, but Kit didn't want to take any risks. Not to say that this was very nasty behavior to show to a friend who sacrificed his time and effort solely to come feed Kit. But, hey, in Kit's defense, during the last (and only) couple of times Kit had witnessed Beam's cooking, one had ended up with Beam unintentionally causing a freakishly huge bonfire and the other had ended up with a Kit almost dying of food poisoning. After those two incidents, Kit had made Beam promise never to cook ever again, unless he wanted to be in jail for murder before he could become a doctor who was supposed to be saving people's lives.

"I bought it at the store right next to our school."


"The only thing I did was heat it up in the microwave."


"Kit, just eat the freaking porridge, unless you want me to spoon-feed you. And I won't be gentle."

Kit definitely didn't want that to happen, so he finally erased his suspicion and took a spoonful to his mouth. Even though Kit didn't have much of an appetite, he knew that he probably should get some nutrition in his system. Plus Kit knew that Beam was not going to move a single inch until he finished the entire bowl. Kit mechanically scooped another spoonful into his mouth. Beam, glancing every once in a while at Kit to make sure he was eating properly, was currently occupied with peeling a couple of apples with a small fruit knife.

"Beam...I'm sorry for being an asshole for the past few days."

"Just don't do it again."

Beam had finished cutting up one apple and was getting started on the other one. There was a comfortable silence in the room as the two occupied themselves, one with eating and the other with cutting fruit. But they both knew what was going on. Beam was waiting. Waiting for Kit to say something. Anything. But Beam wasn't going to force Kit to say anything that he wasn't ready to say. And if Kit chose not to say anything that day, Beam wouldn't pester him about it. He would willingly leave Kit and patiently wait for as long as Kit needed, wait until Kit needed someone to listen to whatever he had to say.

Kit knew that. He loved and truly appreciated his friend for understanding the way he worked. And, to be honest, Kit wasn't ready to talk. He really didn't want to talk about Ming and bring back all those painful memories, not now and probably not ever. But ever since he woke up that morning and actually was able to think about this whole catastrophe, Kit had set his mind on something. And in order to accomplish that said something, he needed Beam's help. And in order to get Beam's help, (unfortunately for Kit) he had to tell Beam the full story.

"Before the accident, I broke up with Ming," Kit slowly started.

Kit was playing with his spoon, avoiding any eye contact as he told his story to Beam. Just because he had decided to talk to Beam about it, it didn't mean he wanted to get into any of the details. And some parts of the story were going to be forever hidden, forever kept only in his heart. Kit took a deep breath and continued.

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