I grabbed my wallet and keys off my dresser and wished Salem a good night as I shut off the lights.

Rachel was waiting by the front door impatiently, "ready?"

I nodded slowly and trudged behind her.

She had decided that she didn't have enough gas in her car so we opted to take mine. I watched her eagerly as she squinted through the frost covered windshield.

"You look like my grandma the way you're driving right now."

"Hey now, I wouldn't have to sit like this if it didn't take three years for your car to register what the defrost button means."

"Where are we going anyway? You know I can't actually see Alex anymore."

"She said you couldn't 'see each other', meaning like...ya know, the intimate part. It shouldn't be a problem if you're just strictly friends. You know Lilith has people she needs to answer to, she can't do anything about a friendship. Although it's frowned upon for us to have human friends, it isn't banned. Lilith herself has human acquaintances."

"I...don't know about this. This is Alex's life that could be on the line."

"She can't touch him as long as she doesnt have further proof that you guys aren't hooking up. If you can contain yourself, I thought It would be good for you to stay friends."

"Oh yeah? So why are you here then?"

"I'm the chaperone, of course! You know I love ya, Kaine. But, we'd all be dumb as fuck to trust you in this situation. Now, tell me where we're going."


We parked the car and headed towards the front door. I reluctantly knocked on the cold wood, my stomach churned while I waited.

A few seconds passed and Rachel was ushering for me to knock again from the other side of the porch. As I brought my fist up again the door swung open.

"Kaine! You came!" Alex's face lit up as he pounced on me for a hug. I held him tightly as we stumbled back from the doorway.

"Hah, yeah well, I missed you...duh."

He released his grip around my torso, "I...missed you too." He smiled and stared up at me through his sharp green eyes. I found myself getting lost in his gaze, and without thinking I leaned in for the kiss.


Kiss interrupted. Rachel stared at us, still at the other end of the porch and I immediately stepped back. Alex had nearly toppled over from the sudden noise.

"Uh, Alex. This is my um...this is my friend Rachel. She's one of my roommates. Don't freak out, she's a good vampire. Like me."

"Like you, huh?" She began to step closer to us, "It's a pleasure to meet you Alex. I've heard great things. I'm Kaines babysitter for the night since he's an alcoholic. I hope you don't mind if I tag along. Good vampire Kaine here has something he'd like to tell you but, that can wait 'til later."

"Oh uh, y-yeah sure! It's nice to meet you, Rachel!"

"Likewise kiddo. You can call me Rach if you'd like."

Alex led me to his living room, which was uncomfortably silent. Any other time, and I'd already be making douchey remarks, but these were Alex's friends. For some reason I cared what these people thought of me, I wanted to make a good impression. Not that it even mattered anymore. I had no idea why I was even there.

Alex spoke suddenly, "You guys, this is Kaine...he's my uh, friend."

I shook myself out of thought and offered and quick wave, "Hey."

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