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*TW: Mention of suicide*

"Kaaaaine, everything's sp-spinning hic, I think I'm going to puke!"

This was all I'd been hearing for the past 20 minutes while we sat on the couch in that quiet room. I kept reassuring Alex that everything would be alright. After our little hook up, he started to get the spins and I was continuously growing more and more nervous.

"I think you need water Alex, come on." I watched as he squinted at me, trying to process my words, "Actually, you stay here."

I stood up, but Alex immediately grabbed my arm, "N-Noooooo! You're not gonna come back!"

I knelt down in front of him, "I'm going to grab you water so you don't throw up, that's all. I don't want you falling or getting hurt." I gave him a sympathetic look as tears began to well up in the corner of his eyes, "I promise you I'll be right back."

I gently pecked his forehead as I got up to walk to the kitchen. So many thoughts ran through my head as I was still coming down from my blissful high. That had been one of the nicest moments of my life,but part of me felt like shit for taking advantage of him while he was drunk. I was just glad I was able to stop myself before things got out of hand, because part of me really wanted to continue.

In the kitchen I grabbed a cold water bottle out of the fridge and quickly made my way back to Alex. My eyes widened when I noticed the couch where I had left him was empty. As a matter of fact, the entire room was empty. An unfamiliar feeling of anxiety trickled through my chest. 

"Alex?"I looked around slightly, but the room was mainly open, and he was nowhere in sight. This was not the shit I wanted to be dealing with.

I frantically searched around the house, bumping into countless drunk bodies, asking them all if they've seen Alex. Most of them had no idea who I was talking about or they just yelled at me to get out of their way. If this had been anyone else I would have just left without them, but this kid had me searching for him like a fucking idiot.

I banged my fist into the wall hard just as an idea popped into my head. Alex had probably been puking his brains out in the bathroom.Of course, why didn't I think of that before. Relief took over my body as I rushed to find a bathroom.

Along line of teens awaited in a line outside of what I assumed to be a bathroom, I mean why else would they be waiting. I ran to the door and started to knock obnoxiously, "Alex! Are you in there? Open the door." There was no answer. My knocking became more urgent until the door swung open and I was met with an extremely pissed off guy who was certainly not Alex.

"Man, what the fuck?" I dodged a hand hurtling in my direction.

Before the guy could process his failed attempt to hit me, I snapped back to where I was standing and launched my first straight at his face. The crowed that had accumulated outside of the bathroom "oohed"simultaneously as the man's body hit the bathroom floor.

"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to?" I said as I spit in his direction and huffed past the crowd.

Frustration officially began to run through me because I had no idea where Alex had run off to. I stood, contemplating my next move when I noticed a familiar puff of crimson hair.

"Lizzy!"I shouted as I started to make my way towards her.

She turned instantly, "Oh hiiiiya, Kaine!"

I could tell she had a little too much to drink, but I needed to know if she saw Alex. She was my last hope. There was a few more people standing around her now, I assumed they were Alex's other friends. She turned to get their attention, preparing to introduce me.

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