I knew Lucas needed to be punished, and he needed to be punished now.


"You," Jason spoke, turning his head towards Jackson, "Drive Kylie away from here."

Jason then turned his head quickly toward Lucas. "You, stay outside while I go inside. They probably want something to do with you." he ordered.

Finally, Jason turned his head towards me. "And you, if Jackson tries hurting you, call me."

We all nodded as Jason shut the van door, and walked into the house. Jackson and I both turned to Lucas immediately.

"Listen," Lucas started. "Jackson, I want you to wait outside the house instead. I'll take Kylie somewhere."

My eyes widened slightly, as I listened to the words that came out of my brothers mouth. "You do understand that if you disobey Jason, it won't end well?"

Lucas nodded without looking in my direction.

"Fine," Jackson huffed. "But next time, I get to go with Kylie." He said, winking in my direction.

"Don't ever wink at me again." I ordered firmly, crossing my arms as I leaned back in my seat. Jackson only laughed, and shook his head.

Lucas started up the van again, as Jackson got out of the car. He walked up to the house, and leaned against it. I then turned my head towards Lucas.

"Where are we going anyway, Lucas?" I wondered.

"My house, it's not that far from here, but it's close to the middle of no where."

I nodded my head slowly, and watched as Lucas pulled out of the driveway.

The first few minutes of the car ride, I was lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about how happy I was that Jason remembered me, but also scared about what was going to be ahead of us.

Gang wars, shootouts, bombings, kidnappings, killings..anything could happen.

As long as Jason is safe, happy, and he remembers everything, I'm completely fine. On the other hand, the baby..

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. Yes, it's John MacAvoy's baby, but I can't treat it like shit, or let it find out that their dad raped me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, as Lucas started talking.

"So," he started. "You never told me what's up with your baby."

I froze for a moment, thinking about what to say. I shrugged. "There's nothing to really say about the.. baby."

"Of course there's something to say," Lucas spoke, flashing me an excited smile. "Tell me, how was it?"

"It wasn't that great, to be honest."

"Why not?" He pouted. I just shrugged. "Who's the father?"

I placed my hand over my stomach and looked down at it, clenching and unclenching my jaw slightly. "John MacAvoy's."

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" he flared. I looked up at him. His eyes were icy, and his hands were tightening on the wheel.

"No, I wish I was," I started. "He raped me while I was in Boston with Jason and the others."

"Don't worry about it," he growled slightly. "Once we get back, John's dead meat."

I shook my head, sighing. "Don't. When the baby is out, I'm going to kill him myself."

Lucas looked at me confused, his eyebrows raising. "Damn, you've gotten crazier." he laughed.

I gasped, trying to make it sound like I was hurt by his words, and punched his shoulder. "Yeah, and you've become an even bigger asshole!"

I laughed uncontrollably, leaning my head back until I felt something.

Something was slamming against my stomach. It was like being shot a million times, but a hundred times worse. I cried out in pain, grabbing my brothers hand tightly as he drove.

"Kylie, what's wrong!?" Lucas exclaimed, taking one hand off the wheel so he could intertwine our fingers.

"It wants out!" I screamed. His eyes went wide, and he speeded the car up.

I tried ignoring the growing pain in my stomach, as I gripped Lucas' free hand with my hand. I was yelling uncontrollably, screaming, kicking my feet, throwing my head back, all of it.

I was in labor.

"Lucas, drive faster!" I cried out, gripping his hand tighter and tighter.

"Kylie, I'm trying, just keep it in a little longer." Lucas hissed, pressing down harder on the gas. We were in the middle of an intersection, before a huge black van came out from the right, cutting us off.

Three man jumped out of the van and came towards us, as I continued to scream and cry furiously.

They all grabbed Lucas and pulled him out of the car, pulling him towards their van.

Lucas swung his fists in every direction, squirming and trying to get out of their grip.

"Lucas!" I cried out through my tears, trying to move.

Once I finally found my strength, I opened the car door and got out quickly, but it was too late. The van had already drove off, with my brother.

I started to grip my stomach tighter, crying harder. I tried holding it in, but it wouldn't work.

It wanted out, now.

I walked over to the sidewalk quickly ignoring the cars, but as soon as I took my first step onto the sidewalk, my body collided with the hard ground, and I drifted off.

i'm sorry that this chapter is late, i've been trying to get these up faster, but i'm getting really busy. this isn't the longest or bestest chapter i've ever made, but i hope you enjoy it. thanks:)

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