JessicaBFry Presents: Writing with a Chronic Illiness

Start from the beginning

Experiment With Different Methods of Writing

When it comes to storytelling, only one thing really matters, and that is finishing the story to the best of your ability.

Don't assume that you have to write your story or by hand or at a computer standing up.

In reality, there are many ways that you can get your stories written. Dictation software can allow you to speak your story into a computer, or you can record yourself talking into a camera and have someone transcribe it for you.

You may find that you do better writing while sitting or standing or even reclining.

Different times of day or night may also make a difference

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Different times of day or night may also make a difference. For me, the worst times to write is in the afternoon. Early in the morning or late at night are my ideal slots. Inflammation, swelling, and pain are usually at their lowest in the early morning hours. Your own best and worst times will vary. So don't be afraid to experiment. Also bear in mind that things can change, so you may have to repeat experiments.

Look into the tools you use too. Different types of paper, writing programs, and the like may have different effects on you. I have actually learned to write in most of these situations with the exception of particularly bad migraines. Then I can barely manage to eke out a few words on a green tinted steno pad. That green tinted paper though is what makes the difference because it doesn't hurt my eyes or my head.

Once you find something that works, don't be afraid to stick with it even if it seems too strange. (Seriously google strange writing habits to find some of the unusual things that some authors have done to complete their stories.)

Take Extra Time for Self Care

All writers do need to take care of themselves. It's all too easy to sacrifice health and sanity in pursuit of the great writing dream. But in the long run, this isn't the best strategy. When you are dealing with a chronic illness, that time spent taking care of yourself becomes even more important. That old adage "a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure" still holds true.

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