Chapter 4: The Date

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Jess' POV

CC and I got onto his Motorcycle and we drove off towards 'The Fresh Bite' which I was kinda scared.

I honestly did not know what to expect at a vamp and human place, but I hope I don't die or something.

~Le Time Skip~

We just got to the place and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I didn't know what to do.

"Baby, Whats wrong? I can feel you shaking."

"I'm just scared, I guess. I don't know what to expect here."

He stopped walking and pulled me into a hug.

"I will be by your side the entire time, baby. No need to be scared."

"Okay. Thanks CC."

"No problem, baby. Now lets go in."


We walked into the building and immediately I was hit in the face with weed and alcohol. I think I made a disgusted face or something because CC had noticed it.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, I guess I'm not used to the weed or alcohol."

"Oh okay. If it gets to be to much, just tell me and we can go to a park nearby."

"That's fine, but I will tell you if something happens."

~Le Time Skip~


I noticed that Jess was shaking a bit and she seemed really uncomfortable. I looked over and saw a dude staring at her and giving me a weird glare. I don't know whats going on.

"Baby, are you okay?" I whispered to her.

"Not really... is it okay if we leave?"

"Sure baby girl, lets go."

We both got up and headed for the door. Then I heard someone following us, so I turned my head a bit and saw that dude from earlier.

I stopped my movements and turned around. I pushed Jess behind me and hissed at this dude. I don't know what he was doing but he was getting to close and scaring the shit out of my mate and that pissed me off. No one touches my mate accept me or the guys(not sexually, Of course, Andy is her dad). 

This guy looked to be about 6' 4" and he was very muscular. He smelled human but had the faint scent of vampire. He opened his mouth and I immediately noticed the fangs so he must have just killed or he has some sort of masking spray. 

"Give me the girl." He sneered.

Pfft, this guy. He really thinks I'm gonna give up my mate? hahaha He's funny. 

"Yea, no buddy. Not gonna happen." I just laughed at him.

"CC, be careful. He may hurt you." I hear my mate whisper from behind me.

"huh, then I'm just gonna have to take her from you then." He sneered again as he got closer to me. 

I use my speed, to turn around, grab Jess and run to my bike. I set Jess down on my bike and climb on, and turn it on as fast as possible. 

See, I don't think that this guy is a full vampire because he is VERY slow. By the time he got 5 feet from us, I was already speeding off. 

I soon hear some sobbing from Jess. My poor baby, I feel so bad that our first date didn't go so well. I was thinking about bringing her to the park near our house. So that's what I did. I brought my baby girl to the park. 

A/N- OMG I am so sorry that this took 10 months to write. I've been dealing with Relationships and finals. UGH. But its summer time for me now and i'm free to write whenever. So expect some more chapters to come out. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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