3: The Unveiling of the Secret

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Jessica's POV

Andy had told me that him and the guys need to talk to me. I was just really curious about what they wanted to talk to me about so, I told them to give me a moment and I went up and changd into pajama's, took off my makeup, and brushed my teeth and hair. 

I'm good. I walked downstairs and they are all sitting on one couch and the other one that's across from them is empty.

"Uhh what's going on?" I asked.

"Don't be scared, babes. Just sit and we will tell you whats going on." Uncle CC said.

"Okay...." I sat down. I was really confused. 

"Ok remember when you had told us that your favorite supernatural creature was Vampires." Ashley asked me.


"And you know how you've noticed we don't eat much?" Jake asked.

"yea.. Can you just get to the point please?"

"Okay then. Ummm Wearevampires." Andy rushed out.

"Uhhh, Dad, what did you say?"

"Okay 2 things. 1, You called me dad!? and 2, We are vampires." He said it out slowly.

"Yea why would- Wait what You are Vampires?!" I jumped up.

"Don't be scared babes. We won't hurt you."

"No CC, I'm not scared. I'M FUCKING EXCITED!" I squealed.

"Okay, first of all, can you please not squeal it hurts and second of all, how are you not scared." Jinxxy asked.

"I figured you guys were some supernatural creature. No body doesn't eat and stay that muscular and perfect, plus I found blood bags in a secret compartment in the back of the fridge."

"Ahhh. Also sweetheart, I have something important to tell you as well." Dad told me.

"Uhh okay?" 

"You do know how supernatural creatures have mates right?"

"Yuppers! I already know CC is my mate."


"When I jumped onto CC's lap, I felt shocks of electricity when he touched me and his eyes clouded over with lust, because I uhh jumped onto his area..."

"Ohh, I'm just gonna go over some rules because Jess is human. 

1. Jess, If you get a scratch or self-harm, do not come to us. Chris Motionless is next door and knows what we are, he will help you.

2. CC, when Jess turns 18, she has a choice, to become a Vamp or stay human. I will allow sexual contact but no sex. CC knows why but Jess, you do not."

"Okay what is it?"

"If you get pregnant as a human with a vamp baby, you will die giving birth. You can do other things but NO sex."

"Yes, dad. Anything else."

"Thats it. The rules were just for you and CC. Now. Go upstairs you two, I know you wanna get to know each other better." Dad told us. CC chuckled and stood up.

"Lets go to my room, my mate." CC winked at me.

"Okay." I stood up and grabbed his hand. We then walked upstairs to chat.

Andy's POV

"That went better than expected." Ashley said.

"It did. I'm so happy that she knows. At least she isn't afraid." I said.

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